seekhim hope jesus pray faith bible godisgood perfectlove amen godisable godspromises praise askbelievereceive dontquit godanswers godhears godswordwontreturnvoid godwillhelpyou healing keepgoing kingofkings lordoflords myhealer praywithoutceasing staystrong yeshua dailyinspiration devotional jesussaves seekyefirst
"I speak to you continually: through sights, sounds, thoughts, impressions, Scripture. There is no limit to the variety of ways I can communicate with you. Your part is to be attentive to My messages, in whatever form they come. When you set out to find Me in a day, you discover that the world is vibrantly alive with My Presence." —Jesus Calling by Sarah Young
#SeekHim #JesusCalling
As Christians in this social media age where all of our worlds collide — old friends, new friends, high school, co-workers, church friends, acquaintances, virtual friends we’ve never met in real life, fellow believers and unashamed atheists — we often wonder what to say when it comes to our faith, knowing it will be received quite differently from the different pieces of our life’s path crossings.
One thing I think can make a huge impact is simply asking for prayer requests. I’m telling you that you won’t be sorry and you will be shocked by who replies privately. It is the people who don’t have a circle of Christian friends that are desperate for it in their soul, but don’t know know anyone to go to. They may not even believe, but knowing you do gives them the courage to take that step and ask. Do it fairly regularly. Those you least expect might not think they need prayer in the moment, but a day will come when they do, and they will know you are there...that you believe...that you will prayer.
We need prayer in this hard life. We need revival. We need Jesus. I think simply asking for prayer requests opens doors in unique ways.
I praying for you and I’ve included a graphic if you swipe the picture that you can copy and post if you don’t know how to start.