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Stop flying open!
The body will follow the eyes. It is just how our brain works. So if you struggle with pulling the ball it does not mean your swing sucks or you need to change everything in it. @miketrout knows a BIT about hitting.
Sometimes all you need to do is change your approach. What worked for me was spending a few days thinking of hitting everything oppo. Not that I hit everything to the opposite field but that approach changes were my shoulders and eyes would stop. Then I shifted my approach so that everything would go up the middle and I was just barreling balls inside, outside and of course down the middle.
Once you hav experimented with that see how you do with the drill that @pjonesbaseball recently showed with a pitching machine throwing sliders and angled front toss.
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Play behind & below the ball.
Coach Bobby Dickerson (now with the Phillies) shares how to field those in between hops that are likely to eat you up. There are only two ways to do it drop step or short hop.
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Effective Velocity!
Astros led by recent trade Aaron Sanchez combined for a no-no last night. Sanchez was 0-13 with a 7.49 ERA with the Blue Jays this year and yesterday he went 7 hitless innings. Next we will get to see what Brent Strom and crew do with Zach Greinke.
Here is a little bit pitching wisdom from Brent Strom sharing the concept of effective velocity (a theory developed by Perry Husband). #baseball #youthbaseball #baseballyouth #pitching #Astros #pitchingcoach #béisbol #baseballdad #baseballcoach #travelbaseball #selectbaseball
Be You!
Do you think @mstrooo6 will be more or less successful pitching for the @mets?
Would you rather face all those AL East teams or NL East teams. There are great hitters on both but there is a difference in lineups.
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@19boknows hit his 1st MLB homerun yesterday.
He has been a life long student of the swing with @bichettehappens as his dad. Watch the home run and then see how he explains creating his incredible bat speed (minus the incredible flow ). #baseball #youthbaseball #baseballyouth #battingpractice #baseballdad #travelbaseball #selectbaseball #beisbol #hitting #batspeed
Making adjustments.
Great segment here with @abreg_1 and @arod talking about the swing adjustments Alex needs to make in order to hit pitchers based on their ball movement. High spin rate guys feel like they “explode” up as AROD says and you have to change your barrel bath to meet the ball because it is not going to be where you normally expect it.
Of course the @Astros have some real analytics to help with these scouting reports but what do you think you can do while watching a pitcher warm up to make any adjustments up or down in the zone?
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Braves Coach Ron Washington shares the importance to line up your eyes, gloves and the ball when fielding with @ozzie demonstrating.
This is similar to the drill I shared from him last week but that drill the “intent” was focus on picking up their balls with their hands and not having their legs. This one focuses on your alignment and body positioning to the ball. Same drills different focus.
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