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What voices are you listening to? What voice should you be listening to more? #selftalk#positiveselftalk#positivevibes#positivequotes#positive#positiveaffirmations#positivethoughts#positivenergy#positivethinking#sundaymotivation#sundaymorning#sundayz#mindsetquotes#mentalillness#mentalhealthawarenessmonth#mentalhealthawareness#wellnesswarriors#wholebodyhealth#createalifeyoulove#therapyworks#goalgetter#meditationquotes
What is our purpose?
Because there are so many answers to this question, it’s important that you find the one that resonates with you. It must give you enough of a feeling that it satisfies your need to ask that question.
⠀⠀ #everysquareastory #lifeunscripted #lifestyleinspo #reclaimthehappy #nothingisordinary #highvibelife #manifestyourlife #positiveintentions #powerofthemind #raiseyourvibration #selfgrowth #peacefulmind #peacewithin #innerwork #centred #gowithin #abundancemindset #goodthoughts #positiveaffirmations #positivelifestyle #selftalk #thinkpositive #livewithpurpose #purposedrivenlife #purpose
’ I got to have a beautiful chat with one of my soul sisters living over in Bali who had set a personal goal and hadn’t had an alcoholic drink in 12 months (I am so proud of you @higherlove_withmegan ). It made me reflect on my own relationship with alcohol From the ages from 15-22 I honestly remember thinking what’s the point of having 1 drink? I never understood what it meant to “drink in moderation” ♀️ I didn’t like the taste of alcohol so the only reason I would drink it would be to binge and get wasted I know I am not the only one and for a lot of us it’s part of dealing with the awkward feelings and insecurities we are faced with going through adulthood and working out who we are. But it made me proud to think how far I’ve come and how I can now own the fact I do enjoy a cheeky cocktail, or a glass of port in the bath when reading my book I don’t need it for social approval and I don’t fall victim to peer pressure. I don’t need it to have a good time or stay out until 5am dancing, and it is no longer a method I use to hide or even show off parts of myself. When was the last time you stopped to reflect what your relationship is like with alcohol? Is it time you guys broke up and redefined your relationship?
Reflection time!! Look how far you have come!?!? Remember when...
No one is you, and that’s your super power!! •
What is something you are most proud of? For me it’s the family unit, and the nourishing friendships I have created. There was a period of my life that I did not know that this calmness was possible for me. I thought that chaos and drama was normal, and the only way... I lead with self doubt and fear. •
But later in life, I became more and more sure of what I wanted, what I liked, what I did not like, and it became easier to attract what I always desired. •
I would not change a darn thing. The upsets, the chaos, the bad relationships. My journey lead me right here. This was and is my work. •
So I ask you to look at where you once were, and where you are today. What is something you are most proud of?
Comment below
Dreams Require Sacrifices. Period.
You need to fulfill your dream? Sacrifice for it, the bigger your sacrifice, the faster you will get there(in term of time and hustle) .
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Credit @garyvee .
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I love lighthouses because they represent solidity and stability in a seemingly constantly changing world. I like the certainty and the sense of continuity and security a lighthouse brings both from land and from sea when you look at one. I find them comforting and it makes me happy to think that in this changeable crazy world, there is a “light” on waiting for us, a light of stability and strength to endure and be victorious through the storms of life.
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Gestern morgen in der U-Bahn habe ich ein kurzes Gespräch mit der 97-jährigen Holocaustüberlebenden Margot Friedländer gehört. Es beschäftigt mich noch heute morgen. Und wird es sicher noch tagelang. Ich stand in der U-Bahn und hatte Tränen in den Augen. Wir können für so viel dankbar sein und sollten das schätzen was wir haben: unsere Freiheit, unser friedvolles Zusammenleben in Europa. Bitte geht wählen und nutzt diese Möglichkeit, unsere Zukunft mitzugestalten. Habt einen schönen Mittwoch.