servampcosplay servamp servampkuro servamphyde servampedit cosplay servampfanart servamplawless mikunialicein servampamv servamplicht servamplily servampsakuya servamptsubaki kuro mahirushirota servampanime lichttodoroki misonoalicein servampedits servamphugh servampmahiru servampmanga servampofgreed servampofsloth servampsleepyash tetsusendagaya kurocosplay anime servampryusei аниме_яой
Anime: Servamp
Character: Kuro (Sleepy Ash / Sloth Sin )
I had to do this cosplay as soon as possible since I’m taking him to IchibanCon tomorrow! The coat is honestly wonderfully made- but the fluff was too thin and I really wanted it to be as canon to the character as possible. As I ended up adding more fluff and the fluff “ears” for a more accurate look! Now he’s ready for con~ .
• #servamp | #servampcosplay | #kuro | #kurocosplay | #servampkuro | #servampkurocosplay | #sleepyash | #sleepyashcosplay | #kuroxmahiru | #mahiru | #anime | #manga #cosplay | #femalecosplayer | #cosplayer | #otaku | #malecosplay | #animecosplay | #mangacosplay •
Servamp teaser
Mahiru - me
Kuro - Lucifer
Ph - @bertranblack
Помощники: @gintonyaan и @aronioro ♥
Отдельное спасибо @miyo_koro ♥
#cosplay #コスプレ #anime #animecosplay #worldcosplay #cosplayworld #cat #catcosplay #servamp #servampcosplay #shirotamahiru #shirotamahirucosplay #kuro #kurocosplay #sleepyash #sleepyashcosplay #sleepydevil #sleepydevilcosplay