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can we just all agree that she is the sweetest person?!
can’t wait to see her in S2!
[pls tag her]
cc bravenry
ac audiosbyshine
tc parkersfilms
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Highly requested from the instastories.
Pleasure is political "Sex is a stimulation of genitals for pleasure. Your genital is your clit. So if no-one's stimulating your clit.... someone is just jacking off inside of you"
Source: @jordannjust (Twitter)
#nosmalltalk #sexed #pleasureispolitical #yoni #consentissexy #consent #feminism #heterosexualwoes
Repost: @WomensMarch “Just yesterday, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp signed the heartbeat bill into law. A bill that will effectively ban abortions in Georgia. Georgia has the highest maternal mortality rate in the country, with Black and low-income women dying at alarming rates. Kemp should be expanding access to healthcare and protecting women's reproductive rights, not stripping them away.
It’s not just Georgia that is putting women at risk.This is part of a national onslaught of attacks on women's reproductive rights. More than 15 states have introduced similar bills, and three have already been signed into law. Make no mistake: These bans are part of a deliberate strategy to overturn Roe v Wade. We are dangerously close to a post-Roe world and we won’t stand by and let that happen. #signofresistance via @sarah.epperson
It is imperative that #RoevWade is protected and that people have the right to make their own decisions about their futures. Some of the incredible groups fighting for access to essential health services and reproductive rights are @ProChoiceAmerica @PlannedParenthood @ACLU, check out their pages for more information on how to support their work. #ProChoice #MyBodyMyChoice #PlannedParenthood
Image Description: Illustrations of people holding up protest signs. The signs say: “Keep Abortion Legal & Safe, Protect Roe, Pro-Choice, My Body My Choice, Health Care Is A Human Right, Protect X."
i DiD SoMEtHinG StUPiD
cutest dork
pls don’t let flop
ac eulaphora
dt frodo bc I love her sm
tc thetruehybriid stavsedits
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#otisgrp #asafandomgroup
The absence of “no” is not a yes. There are many ways to say no and body language can be one of them. Consent is always enthusiastic and willingly given - anything else is a “no”.
#feminism #genderequality #theequalityinstitute #theEQI #equality #feminist #consent #illustration #nomeansno #sexed #stoprapeeducate
Repost from @theequalityinstitute