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It’s the weekend in sim world and this is how Megan spent her time... fishing in Forgotten Hollow (she’s finally maxed out her fishing skillz and caught some new fish (plus some seaweed, haha!))... some sightseeing tours around Forgotten Hollow... some serious video-gaming with her neighbor, Marley (look at Megan’s game face, haha!!)... then Monday, back to work! #sims #thesims #sims4 #thesims4 #ts4 #simsgame #simsgameplay #sims4gameplay #girlgamer #forgottenhollow #ts4forgottenhollow #sims4forgottenhollow #sims4game
She is my own little sun, always brightening my day. ♥️ #sims #thesims #sims4 #thesims #ts4 #simstagram #simsinstagram #simstagrammer #simstagramaccount #simlife #simslife #sims4life #ts4life #vampire #vampiresim #vampiresims #sims4vampires #forgottenhollow #sims4forgottenhollow #sims4catsanddogs #catsanddogs #sims4cad #ts4catsanddogs #sims4dog #sims4corgi #sims4pet #sims4selfie
Oml the old selfies tho. This was from 2008! @c.alebvator.e
#sims #thesims #sims4 #thesims4 #ts4 #vampiresims #simsvampires #sims4vampires #ts4vampires #simstagram #simsinstagram #simstagrammer #simstagramaccount #sims4instagram #simlife #simslife #sims4life #ts4life #ea #friends #bff #sims4bff #calebvatore #forgottenhollow #sims4forgottenhollow
Hey guys! The first two part of my Sims 4 Vampires reviews are up! In these we go over Create A Sim and the brand new world Forgotten Hollow! Go check it out!
Link to my channel in the bio!
#sims4 #sims4review #review #sims4vampirereview #sims4vampires #vampires #vampire #createasim #sims4createasim #cas #sims4cas #sims4world #world #newworld #sims4newworld #forgottenhollow #sims4forgottenhollow
Finally finished
My project has cost me a lot of nerves because I've NEVER built such a house / villa
But I'm really satisfied with it
Now the story can begin
#sims4 #thesims4 #simscenes #sims4cc #sims4build #sims4buildmode #sims4house #sims4housebuild #sims4rp #simslife #simstory #sims4gameplay #sims4stories #sims4love #sims4forgottenhollow
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