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We are available at Size S Cafe, Asoke. ;) Reposted from @sizescafe - Day off tumbler
#sizescoffeeroasters #sizescafe #singleorigincoffee #specialtycoffee #cafehoppingbkk #bangkokcoffee #bangkokcafe #sizescoffeeandbakery #sizesxasoke #sizesxngamduphli #coffeeroasters #sathorn #rama4 #ngamduphli #asoke #sukhumvit21 #mrtlumpini #mrtpetchaburi - #regrann
We have some very interesting Centrals coming up. Los Chorros (Honduras), Los Naranjales (Guatemala) and Himalaya (El Salvador) have been released. Our first full (and super clean) Anaerobic Costa Rican will be following shortly. As well as El Durazno (Guatemala) and El Guayabal black honey (Costa Rica). What a line up!
ps thanks for your visit and photo @lusianadarmawan ♥️ #thebarnberlin #coffeeaddicts #singleorigincoffee #sustainablefarming
The Das Almas Estate, Brazil.
The lands here are steeped in history and beauty. Owned by the Muniz family who first began growing coffee in 1942, the farm actually had no electricity until 1965 and the post-harvest processing was conducted by the use of steam power.
We began working with the Muniz family over a decade ago and they are now one of our largest direct trade partners. We visited the estate last week and were inspired by their love for coffee growing, dedication to cultivation and ongoing strategy to improving production techniques. They have a considered approach to farm management with several sustainable programs covering environmental, social and economic issues.
We are proud to be working alongside such fantastic producers.
#荷蘭焦糖煎餅 最喜歡的吃法就是像這樣覆蓋在咖啡杯上,讓熱氣慢慢軟化內餡,ㄧ口咖啡、ㄧ口餅,甜而不膩的幸福感❤️ (雖然這咖啡我覺得還好)
單吃就不錯,搭配熱茶或熱咖啡會更優。荷蘭商店和超市的煎餅選擇不少,而且便宜,我們也買了幾包在台灣沒有看過的牌子回來送給朋友與家人,大家都喜歡 (是不會出錯的伴手禮啊)
#Karen_Amsterdam#Karen_Netherlands#stroopwafel#Amsterdam#Nederlands#Europe#foodie#delicious#instagood#travel#visitamsterdam#topamsterdamphoto#coffeeshop#igerscoffee#coffeetime#singleorigincoffee#Karenのコーヒー巡礼#珈琲店#カフェ#コーヒー#阿姆斯特丹#荷蘭#自助旅行#旅行 #20190506
Recolectando cereza seguimos procesando Naturales . #coffeelover #coffeeroaster #coffeeproducer #singleorigincoffee
#specialtycoffee #naturalcoffee #carbonicmaceration #coffeetime #colombiancoffee #cafedecolombia #colombianmountains #coffeetour #brewingcoffee #coffeecommunity #ejecafetero #quindio #paisajeculturalcafetero