skamremakes skam skamfrance skamfrench skamfranceedit alterlove eliottdemaury lucaslallemant axelauriant davenzi druck eliottxlucas lucasxeliott martinico maxencedanet maxencedanetfauvel maxencedanetfauveledit maxencefauvel skamfranceseason3 skamitaliaseason2 skamitaliaseason3 skamnl eliott maxencefvl skamfranceseason4 lucas artiste dessin skamitaliaseason3
Best Skam France Love Interests
Ac- @dazyaudio
Cc- Mine
Dt- @eclxpsedit
Honestly when these 2 finally have a scene
together I probably won’t survive❤️
Also the first and last clip don’t really go
with the edit that well I just thought it was
ironic they were both on the Monday of episode
2 and they were creeping on their soulmates
@maxencefvl @leissso