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#nonscalevictory #nonscalevictories
#idontwantobeafattyanymore #smelltheskinny #pinchofnom #pinchofnomrecipe #slimmingworldsp #slimmingworldbuddies
#swideas #speedfood #speedfoodsw
Another pic found whilst sorting.
On my most favourite holiday in Florida. I had the absolute best time but it wasn’t without restrictions.
At the time I didn’t let them bother me but looking back they really hindered the trip.
Having to pass on rides, having to have regular sit downs because I was so out of breath, having to wear leggings under maxi dresses because my legs rubbed together so bad I was a walking fire hazard! All weight related restrictions.
I’d love to go back and do it all again with the energy and capability I have now ❤️ #healthyhappyme #slimmingworld #slimmingworlduk #slimmingworldfollowers #slimmingworldmotivation #slimmingworldinspiration #slimmingworldfamily #slimmingworldfriends #slimmingworldjourney #slimmingworldsupport #slimmingworldlife #slimmingworldmums #slimmingworldinsta #swinsta #slimmingworldinstagram #slimmingworldtargetmember #swmafia #swmama #swmummy #targetmember #diamondtargetmember #11stoneloss #club50 #teamwoty2017 #teamtriangle #pcosweightloss #lifestylechange
Every month since I started Slimming World I have taken monthly pics and measurements. I've tried to use the same outfit where possible, for a direct comparison. Had to swap out the jeans as they started to fall off me, and it's hard to see my shape in the best now as it hangs like a dress, but this morning, as well as taking my usual pics, I thought I'd try my old jeans on. Don't think I could walk very far on them
Since the end of March 2018 I have lost 7st 8lb, 16" off my hips, 12" off my waist and 10"off each thigh. Even I can't believe the difference. I'm now only 3.5lb above my healthy weight bracket and 5.5lb from target.
#slimmingworlddiary #Slimmingworld #slimmingworldsuccess #slimmingworldinsta #swinstagram #swmafia #swworks #slimmingworldinstagram #weightloss #stayingaccountable #Slimmingworld #healthyeating #healthychoices #change4life #foodoptimising @Slimmingworld
#facetofacefriday - 13.5 stone weight loss (189lb) with the best slimming organisation in the world how much my life has changed and how GRATEFUL I am ... to have lost weight, felt so much better, reversed my diabetes and now get the chance to help others on their journeys too ❤️ .
Would you like to join one of my award winning groups - MONDAYs in PENARTH
⛪️ Elfed Avenue Church
⏰ 5.30 and 7.30pm SATURDAYS in BARRY
⛪️ Colcot Community Centre
⏰ 7.30, 9.30 and 11.30am
Come along or ring or message me - you won’t regret it. A fresh new start awaits you - with a nice cuppa of course ☕️ ☎️ 07444 374377.
#slimmer #slimmingworldmemberuk #slimmingworld #mrsleek #somuchfun #slimmingworldinstagram #swfamily #slimming #weightlosstransformation #weightloss #gay #instagay #cardiff #penarth #slimmingworldsuccess #menshealth #itv #swwales #slimmers #mensstyle #mensblog #swblogger #slimmingworldmeals #slimmingworldmembers #weightlosss #weightlossjourney #weightlossjourney2018 #weightlosscommunity #weightlossresults
Egg custard anyone Like the pic if you’d like the recipe !! .
#slimmingworldmember #sw #slimmingworld #swuk #slimmingworldinspiration #slimmingworldfamily #slimmingideas #slimmingworldjourney #slimming
#slimmingworldinstagram #slimmingworldfriends
Here we go #slimmingworld #slimmingworlduk
#swuk #sw #healthyeating #bigjourney #weightloss #initforthelonghaul #synfree #slimmingworldfollowers #slimmingworldnewbee
#slimmingworldinstagram #slimmingworldsuccess #slimmingworldmafia #slimmingworldfood #extraeasy #foodoptimising #swfood #goodfood #synfree #freefoods #slimdown2019 #fitness #Letsgetfit
Pizza omelette for lunch, first time making this and OMG I’m in love, I love pizza so this is a big win for me #slimmingworld #slimmingworlduk
#swuk #sw #healthyeating #bigjourney #weightloss #initforthelonghaul #synfree #slimmingworldfollowers #slimmingworldnewbee
#slimmingworldinstagram #slimmingworldsuccess #slimmingworldmafia #slimmingworldfood #extraeasy #foodoptimising #swfood #goodfood #synfree #freefoods #slimdown2019 #fitness #Letsgetfit
So this would explain why I haven’t been on top form with the plan recently ... this baby was so determined to be here it took on my fully in place coil as a challenge! Due November 26th 2019 ! There are 2 very excited big sisters ready and waiting!
#slimmingworld #slimmingworldinstagram #swinstagram #swdiary #slimmingworldfamily #slimmingworldbaby #laura87_myswjourney
⭐️TRANSFORMATION TUES⭐️ I am the absolute WORST at putting myself down.. it’s like a really bad habit/defence mechanism that doesn’t really show me as the person that I am or want to be! I’ve been ducking out of photos again and it’s stupid!! Look how far I’ve come! I should want to be in every god dam picture!! ♀️ I guess it’s because transformation is SO much more than what is skin deep.. in so many ways I’ve transformed (8 stone 6.5 so far thank you very much).. but lots I still haven’t but I PROMISE to work on the rest! ❤️⭐️
#transformationtuesday #slimming #sw #swuk #slimmingworld #slimmingworlduk #slimmingworldfood #slimmingworldlife #slimmingworldfamily #slimmingworldfriends #slimmingworldmotivation #slimmingworldjourney
#slimmingworldsupport #weightloss #weightlossjourney #transformation #weightlosstransformation
#losingweight #weightlossblogger #weightwatchers #swinsta #swfamily #swfamilyuk #slimmingworldinstagram #slimmingworldinspiration #slimmingworldworks #slimmingworldmember
#slimmingworldblogger #sw2019
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