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Alaways been on social media (9 year old in the picture). YouTube: 2010
Facebook : 2009
Instagram : 2013
Since i was young people would always make front of me for having a YouTube channel. It would really get to be as i was very insecure about people watching my videos. -
Last year i overcame my fear of sharing my videos with peers or friends and family because i realized that they are holding me back. -
I realized people are going to make front of you be lets be honest here they are insecure because they are afraid that you'll leave them behind and you will get further in life and eventually leave them behind. -
I haven't lived for long but I've learned some very valuable lessons that people will hold you back because they don't want to see you succeed. -
Don't be afraid to chase your dreams because of someone's else is opinion. surround yourself with liked minded individuals and crush it!
Just Start.
More Life.
Follow and sub to this account @elife_evlogs_
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Follow and sub to this account @tr_green
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