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(Picture of Smith and Daughter)
Often times in ministry, you will see a couple where one is the obvious alpha male or female lead and the other is supportive of their partners vision. That was not the case for Smith and Mary Jane Wigglesworth, “Polly” (her nickname given by family) was equally as strong, sometimes even more so than Smith. “All that I am today I owe, under God, to my precious wife” is how Smith described Polly. Mary Jane was an evangelist herself and Smith encouraged her in her ministry, when Smith and Polly started their own church after their marriage in 1882 in Bradford, Smith would take care of their kids as Polly would preach, he would describe their ministerial partnership by saying “Her work was to put down the net; mine was to land the fish. This latter is just as important as the former.” There were even difficult times of hard work that allowed Smith Wigglesworth fire to dim, but as he grew cold to the presence of God, Polly’s fire grew brighter, her zeal and prayer life never wavered. One day Polly came home late from a church meeting and found an annoyed Smith who shouted to her “ I am the master of this house, and I am not going to have you coming home so late this hour!” Which Polly replied “I know that you are my husband, but Christ is my master. “ Annoyed, Smith kicked her out of the house through the back door and locked it, but forgot to lock the front door, Polly walked back in the house through the front door laughing at Smith! She laughed so much that Smith gave in and laughed with her, in his laughter, a revelation came to his heart and mind, and he decided to spend 10 days in fasting and prayer to seek the Lord and repent of his coldness to Him, he found his way back to his fire, thanks to his wife. The church today is incomplete without the involvement and leadership of women, I encourage every women reading this story to fulfill the call of God in your life and do not allow society or religion dictate what you can or can not do, follow God and His word, and you will be a mighty woman in this generation. #smithwigglesworth #godsgenerals #robertsliardon
“Are you done yet? The anointing left 15 min ago!”. Smith Wigglesworth’s advices to Lester Sumrall could be very direct. He emphasized the same thing in 1940, in one of his letters to W. Hacking “Do not preach too long. Draw the net before the people are tired. This keeps you fresh, and them also. Repeat in your heart often, “Baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire, fire, fire!” All the unction, and weeping, and travailing comes through the baptism of fire”. Now look at the way Smith Wigglesworth used to end his letters “and I say to you and I say to myself, purged and cleansed and filled, with renewed spiritual power, God bless you”. That’s quite an ending for a letter! #smithwigglesworth
This month of July, get ready to stir up some faith as we dive in to the life of a plumber turn to what he would be most known as, the Apostle of Faith. Smith Wigglesworth’s life and ministry is still till this day a standard by how many Christians operate in their faith and in their ministry, believing God and leaving no room for doubt! Tag your friends as we begin this journey of the miraculous with one of the most known evangelist of our world, you’ll see pictures, never before shared stories and giveaways! #godsgenerals #smithwigglesworth #robertsliardon
Speaking of books... I'm quite excited about this upcoming devotional that I get to be a part of! #TonguesofFire ~ 50 Days Celebrating #Pentecost is being released this Spring! You can pre-order it now thru Amazon... and get ready to receive an impartation from some of God's greatest Spirit-filled ministers including Smith Wigglesworth, Bill Johnson, E.W. Kenyon, Derek Prince, Aimee Semple McPherson, John G. Lake, Guillermo Maldonado, James Goll, Maria Woodworth-Etter, Lester Sumrall, Mary K. Baxter and many others!! Order yours now and get ready for
#fire #holyspirit #holyspiritfire #anointing #freshanointing #pentecost #oil #impartation #revival #whitakerhouse #billjohnson #joshuamills #guillermomaldonado #jamesgoll #aimeesemplemcpherson #lestersumrall #mariawoodworthetter #marykbaxter #johnglake #smithwigglesworth #ewkenyon #derekprince