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Use your 410 break action shotgun to shoot 22LR!!!
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Some details of the charming little T. BARNS smoothbore percussion ball and shot gun. Although this is a simple country smith gun, it is thoughtfully and exceptionally well executed. There is a simple hunter on the lock plate. The butt plate, side plate, and trigger guard are unembellished brass but notice how well they are inlet into the fine walnut stock. The wood to metal fit is perfect! The screws are all indexed too. The poured pewter nose cap with the delicate ornamental extension adds just a touch of refinement. The silver blade front sight does too but it is practical as well, being more visible in low light. Lastly, the plain iron ram rod thimbles are unusually long, giving them a graceful appearance even though plain. Overall a smart and well done little gun. Guns similar to this were made by smiths throughout the United States in the mid to late 19th century. I imagine most of these working guns put a lot of meals on tables. #goodoldguns #gun #oldgun #antiquegun #muzzleloader #percussion #smoothbore #shotgun #rifle #singleaction #gunaccessories #huntingpouch #powderhorn #shotpouch #percussioncapper #2a #pewpew #guncollection #gunnut #gunporn
Итак, начинаем сериал " Как я доробатывал карабин охотничий гладкоствольный самозарядный #Вепрь12Молот ". Ежедневно будет по одной серии, так что, как говорится - оставайтесь с нами.
Пролог: На этой картинке карабин представлен "из коробки". Почему я решил его доработать, ведь это и так удобная и универсальная машинка? А, я особо и не решал, просто как то самом собой получилось. Начал смотреть дульный тормоз-компенсатор (ДТК) для уменьшения отдачи и подброса ствола, понял, что нужен коллиматорный прицел, потом решил приклад посмотреть, ну и пошло-поехало. Но, обо всём по порядку.
Доработка Вепря дело интересное, потому что никогда не знаешь, с какими трудностями столкнёшься. У кого то получается очень легко и непринуждённо, у кого сложно, а у некоторых совсем жёстко. Я попал в категорию между второй и третьей. Даже шутка пошла от причастных к процессу доработки, что собран Вепрь был явно в понедельник, явно после зарплаты в пятницу./
So, let's start the series " How I modified semi-automatic smooth-bore hunting carbine #Vepr12 ". Everyday, there will be one episode, so stay tuned.
Prologue: In this picture the carbine is in "out of the box" state. So, why did I decide to modify it, taking into account, that this is really a handy and universal machine? The truth is, that I didn't really plan anything ahead, only looked up some muzzle brake to reduce the recoil and barrel lift, then I understood, that a collimator sight is also needed, then I looked up a custom stock, and so on... But, first things first. Modification of Vepr is a very interesting task because one does never know what hardships will be encountered. Some find it very easy, some difficult, and some very hard. I fell into the category between the second and the third type. There was even a joke made up by people, who got involved in this "The gun was assembled definitely on Monday, definitely after Friday's salary.