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Ехуууу котятки, всем отличного дня, обнимаю
Мне трудно сказать, почему мне нравятся или приводят в восхищение те или иные люди, но я могу точно сказать, что людей, которые меня окружают, объединяет одно — они умеют заставить меня улыбнуться от всего сердца @stepanova_fashion
Кто уже успел попробовать капучино с халвой?
(Advertising) Changing from the black sea with nearly 25 degrees and burning sun to the Mountains is quite fun. Down they go swimming very comfy and just one hour up in the Mountains people with Snowboards still having fun boarding the Peaks.
The 3 Ski Resorts offer a great Variety of 4 and 5 star Hotels with huge SPAs and amazing Restaurants. As I will go to another Trip to Georgia in just 3 days time, we had to check some of the dishes already here to get an idea. The Region is not so far and only the state of Abhasia is between Georgia and Russia.
The Restaurant can be found in the Geotag, amazing Food, quite expensive Beer and Wine but a fine Place for lunch or dinner in the Mountains. The Lamb with green plum Sauce is a dream, as well as the Chicken from BBQ and the lamb and beef khinkali. ❤️
Swipe for the Restaurant, a great Meal in a beautiful environment.
(Advertising) Адлерский рынок (Market in Adler District near Sochi at the black Sea) is a perfect place to be around.
.. All day there is fresh fish and seafood to be sold, yummy meat and veggies or even plants for your garden. Very funny to see this bustling place with small stalls and friendly grandma's, who want to sell you everything you need or might need in the future.
If you like sweet stuff this market is definitely for you because there are plenty or oriental and Russian nuts, chocolates, halva and more.☺️
Check the Adress in the Geotag if you want to visit, because in English language it's not yet available. ❤️
Wishing you a great Sunday.
(Advertising) The black sea area is something wonderful. Such a mild Climate, great Seafood, a frequent smell of grilled Meat and Veggies everywhere and happy People enjoying the season.
Flying back to Moscow tonight and changing the Airport in the early morning for Tbilisi in Georgia to discover the @tbilisi__gram Food and Wine.
A bit strange feeling after that Accident happened in Moscow yesterday, but I trust @boeing for save arrival.
Have a sunny day all. ❤️
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