soldier76 overwatch mercy genji widowmaker tracer reaper hanzo sombra zarya junkrat roadhog moira lucio mccree reinhardt orisa bastion pharah winston brigitte ashe symmetra zenyatta gaming doomfist blizzard lucio
In theory you can bring together two fully packed teams among russian overwatch cosplayers to play a game irl (that’s a great idea actually)
COSTUME SALE! And you’ve got big discount before I put it on etsy store. Feel free to ask me in DM about price and everything!
#overwatch #overwatchcosplay #soldier76 #soldier76cosplay #cosplayer #russiancosplay @cosplayoverwatch @playoverwatch
Mom and Dad reporting for duty✨
The first day is now down, packed and sent into the archives. It was surprising how many ppl actually enjoyed our cosplay choices to the point just to come up to us and talk! It lifted up our mood and made the heat and pressure more bearable Tho I still was pretty loose on my behaviour so sorry if I was too straightforward or didn't filter what I actually said... Thinking about it afterwards I'm slightly ashamed.
But many sweet ppl, many cool cosplays and I call this day a success! ✨
#overwatch #overwatchcosplay #owcosplay #mercycosplay #combatmedicziegler #combatmediczieglercosplay #comabtmediccosplay #uprisingcosplay #soldier76 #soldier76cosplay #strikecommandermorrison #strikecommandermorrisoncosplay #strikecommandercosplay #desucon #desuconfrostbite #desuconfrostbite2019 #finnishcosplayer #shamelesslyalotoftags
Not dead yet
This is the final version and the last photoshoot for one of my favorite costumes. Press F to respect✊
This time I’m ready to sell it for real!
And I hope it’ll bring joy to someone again
DM me you’re interested #COSPLAYSALE
#overwatch #overwatchcosplay #soldier76 #soldier76cosplay #cosplayer #russiancosplay @cosplayoverwatch @playoverwatch