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We are delighted to invite you to our event dedicated to the history of perfumery in Russia. This time we will cover the period between 1917 and 1990s. Date: 10 June 18:30 - 20:30
Venue: Pushkin House, Bloomsbury
Tickets: link in the bio ⬆️ Despite a lot of information available in our days, Soviet Union is still an enigma for many, especially its fun or glamorous part. The biggest interest lies within the area of everyday life. What did Soviet people eat, drink, dedicate their free time to? What perfumes did they use? Embark on an exciting olfactory journey discovering perfumes of the Soviet era or have a time travel back to your first fragrance. This is a unique opportunity to try a favourite perfume of the first socialite of the Soviet Union Galina Brezhneva, to admire glamorous vintage bottles from the 1920s to 1950s made in the USSR, and to try the most popular Soviet fragrance "Krasnaya Moskva" (Red Moscow) and to discover the amazing story of its creation. There will be captivating stories about Perfume houses like Novaya Zarya, Severnoe Siyanie, Allye Parusa and Dzintars and vintage perfumes to test from "Pikovaya Dama" and "Krasnaya Moskva" to "Ogni Moskvy" and "L'Or des Scythes"(Zlato Skifov). The lovers of vintage fashion are welcome to exhibit their favourite retro look. A SPECIAL PRIZE will be given to the look voted as the most popular! A glass of prosecco and a goody bag are included in the ticket price.
#perfumes #SovietPerfumes #Vintage #VintagePerfumes #thingstodoinlondon
We are delighted to invite you to our event dedicated to the history of perfumery in Russia. This time we will cover the period between 1917 and 1990s. Date: 10 June 18:30 - 20:30
Venue: Pushkin House, Bloomsbury
Tickets: link in the bio ⬆️ Despite a lot of information available in our days, Soviet Union is still an enigma for many, especially its fun or glamorous part. The biggest interest lies within the area of everyday life. What did Soviet people eat, drink, dedicate their free time to? What perfumes did they use? Embark on an exciting olfactory journey discovering perfumes of the Soviet era or have a time travel back to your first fragrance. This is a unique opportunity to try a favourite perfume of the first socialite of the Soviet Union Galina Brezhneva, to admire glamorous vintage bottles from the 1920s to 1950s made in the USSR, and to try the most popular Soviet fragrance "Krasnaya Moskva" (Red Moscow) and to discover the amazing story of its creation. There will be captivating stories about Perfume houses like Novaya Zarya, Severnoe Siyanie, Allye Parusa and Dzintars and vintage perfumes to test from "Pikovaya Dama" and "Krasnaya Moskva" to "Ogni Moskvy" and "L'Or des Scythes"(Zlato Skifov). The lovers of vintage fashion are welcome to exhibit their favourite retro look. A SPECIAL PRIZE will be given to the look voted as the most popular! A glass of prosecco and a goody bag are included in the ticket price.
#perfumes #SovietPerfumes #Vintage #VintagePerfumes #thingstodoinlondon
A vintage perfume for him and for her «Дымок» (Smoke), 1970s, by “Alye Parusa”. Come and try them at our event on 14 May in London (see the link in the biog ) #perfumeryinUSSR #vintage #perfume #fragrance #retro #sovietperfumes #eaudecologne #parfum #profumi #lifeandperfume #perfumestories #vandeve #blueberrychicks #perfumeryinussr #perfumedaze
Новая Заря, Пиковая дама, Духи Novaya Zarya, Pikovaya Dama, PARFUM , 1967 & 1969 ❤❤❤ #пиковаядама #пиковаядамапарфюм #духипиковаядама #пиковаядама♠️ #пиковаядамановаязаря #духиссср #советскиедухи # #sovietperfume #sovietperfumery #sovietperfumes #perfumeussr #ussrparfume #ussrperfume #novayazaryaparfum #novayazaryapikovayadama #pikovayadama
Северное сияние, Гаянэ, ДУХИ Severnoe Siyanie, Gayane, PARFUM, 1978 #severnoesiyanie #severnoesiyanueparfum #ussrparfume #ussrperfume #sovietperfume #sovietperfumery #sovietperfumes #russianparfum #russianparfume #russianparfums #gayaneparfum #gayaneperfume #gayaneperfumes #духисеверноесияние #советскиедухи #духивинтаж #духивинтажные #духиссср
Новая Заря, Жемчуг, ДУХИ Novaya Zarya, Zhemchug, PARFUM, 24 ml, 1950e - 1990e ❤❤❤
В 1958 году на промышленной выставке в Брюсселе "Жемчуг" вошел в группу ароматов, награжденных Гран-при. А в 1961 "Жемчуг" был включен в состав дипломатического подарка для Жаклин Кеннеди, переданного ей Хрущевым на Венской конференции.
начало - жасмин, сирень, цветы табака;
середина - гвоздика, иланг-иланг;
база - ирис, амбра, ваниль.
#novayazarya #novayazaryaparfum #novayazaryaparfum #ussrparfume #ussrperfume #ussrvintage #zhemchug #perfumevintage #perfumeussr #sovietparfum #sovietperfumery #sovietperfumes #russianparfum #russianparfume #russianperfum #sovietperfumes #russianparfumes #советскиедухи #советскаяпарфюмерия #советскиевинтаж #советскийвинтаж #парфюмерияссср #русскиедухи #советскиедухи
✨Smells Like Nostalgia✨What Are Your Most Nostalgic Scents✨ Russian Soviet and Polish Vintage Fragrances✨Осень - время сентиментальноe, навевающее меланхолию... Недаром Ланком именно осенью выпустил свой юбилейный аромат Climat! И меня потянуло на старые ароматы, которые были любимы старшим поколением наших женщин, мам и бабушек. Моя тётя кроме J'ai Osé от Guy Laroche и Climat от Lancôme пользовалась "Pani Walewska" и "Быть может". Последний аромат я ни с каким другим не спутаю, ведь не зря говорят, что ароматы мы запоминаем навсегда. Поэтому винтажный аромат - это машина времени.. Кроме того, мои детские воспоминания связаны со "Златом скифом" и "Кузнецким мостом" - продуктами "Новой Зари". А вот наше ленинградское "Северное Сияние" кануло в Лету, никак не могу вспомнить названия их ароматов. А какими парфюмами пользовались ваши мамы и бабушки? #бьюти #blog #beauty #beautyblog #perfume #fragrance #nostalgia #nostalgic #sovietperfumes #sovietperfume #paniwalewska #бытьможет #винтаж #ностальгия #ароматы #парфюм #парфюмерия #oldtimes
We are delighted to invite you to our event dedicated to the history of perfumery in Russia. This time we will cover the period between 1917 and 1990s. .
Date: 10 June 18:30 - 20:30
Venue: Pushkin House, Bloomsbury
Tickets: link in the bio ⬆️ .
Despite a lot of information available in our days, Soviet Union is still an enigma for many, especially its fun or glamorous part. The biggest interest lies within the area of everyday life. What did Soviet people eat, drink, dedicate their free time to? What perfumes did they use? .
Embark on an exciting olfactory journey discovering perfumes of the Soviet era or have a time travel back to your first fragrance. .
This is a unique opportunity to try a favourite perfume of the first socialite of the Soviet Union Galina Brezhneva, to admire glamorous vintage bottles from the 1920s to 1950s made in the USSR, and to try the most popular Soviet fragrance "Krasnaya Moskva" (Red Moscow) and to discover the amazing story of its creation. .
There will be captivating stories about Perfume houses like Novaya Zarya, Severnoe Siyanie, Allye Parusa and Dzintars and vintage perfumes to test from "Pikovaya Dama" and "Krasnaya Moskva" to "Ogni Moskvy" and "L'Or des Scythes"(Zlato Skifov). .
The lovers of vintage fashion are welcome to exhibit their favourite retro look. A SPECIAL PRIZE will be given to the look voted as the most popular! A glass of prosecco and a goody bag are included in the ticket price.
#perfumes #SovietPerfumes #Vintage #VintagePerfumes #thingstodoinlondon The photo by Vitoriya Wlasowa