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Sometimes we have to hit our lowest low so we can reach our highest HIGH I am an example of this...your not alone out there Keep your Head #sayitagain#lifelessons#hadtosayit Positive Vibes Nothing but Love peeps.... #somebodyneedstohearthis#idontknowwhoneedstohearthis#heeling#stillunderconstruction#learnfrommistakes#dontgobacktoit#stayfocusedonthegoodthings#bossesofquotes#thatpart#situationships#getbackup#letgodlead#justbeingme#nohatehere#nobadvibes#speakingmymind#notscaredtosayit#entrepreneurlife#entrepreneur#enjoylife#seethepositiveineverything
if you knew how hard it was & how long it took to rebuild my little universe of peace & happiness..then you would understand why I’m so picky about who I allow in my life
Ladies, you have the right to know. Ask a man what his intentions are w: you. Anything that can affect your mind, body & spirit, you have the right to know. Ask that MF
Remember ... you’re not high maintenance if he’s just low effort