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⠀Here's a nice stack of pussies (and couple pups) for you. ⠀ ⠀
Too shy to have a real cat? These are quite timid and not needy when it comes to food and attention.
Send DM to get additional pictures if you want to adopt one. ⠀
These are real mummified cat heads, made from deceased animals harvested from shelters and veterinary clinics. No animals were hurt in order to create these mummies.
What do you think about such odd pieces?
I have one in my own collection too.
It's rather weird to find beauty in someone's suffering.⠀
⠀Osteosarcoma - type of tumor which is formed by bone cells that can be visualised after preparing an osteologica specimen.⠀ ⠀Depending on the location of the tumor, it can take delicate shape or even look like a boulder.⠀
⠀This beauty cought my eye and joined my peronal collection.⠀
⠀Take good care of your pets, don't let the disease progress so hard.⠀
Странно находить красоту в боли и страдании⠀
⠀Остеосаркома - тип опухоли которая произрастает из клеток костной ткани. В зависимости от места размещения форма может отличаться как от деликатной и вычурной, так и до грубой, булыжникообразной.⠀
⠀Эстетика этой болезни меня покорила и коллекция пополнилась ещё одним примером жизни, как она есть.⠀
⠀Любите своих зверей, не доводите их до такого состояния.
【sold】Anyone love this beautiful as much as me? Haha really amazing net rutile. Love .
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Bathynomus doederleinii, one of the giant marine isopods. This species is around 12cm long, but B.giganteus can grow to over 30cm. Much like terrestrial isopods these guys feed on debris and carrion on sea beds and some species also have predatory tendencies. #isopod #bathynomus #bathynomusdoederleinii #giantisopod #specimen #old #preserved #nature #marine #naturalhistory #invertebrate #armour #exoskeleton
Megasoma occidentale
its new alien
#Etomology #bugslife#insect#insectsofinstagram#insect_addict#rhinobeetle#beetlebreeding#megasoma#stagbeetle#elephant #insectagram#insectbreeding
#insekte#Insecto#insectlovers#follow#specimen#coleoptera#insekten#Käfer#昆虫 #번데기 #カブト
Dynastes hercules hercules
It is the longest and strongest insect among the bugs.
This is a good fight too.
I am the best
#dynasteshercules# #bugslife#insect#insectsofinstagram#insect_addict#rhinobeetle#beetlebreeding#Dorcus#stagbeetle#lucanidae #insectagram#insectbreeding
#insekte#Insecto#insectlovers#follow#specimen#coleoptera#insekten#Käfer#昆虫 #クワガタ #カブト#カマキリ