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You never know how strong you are until being strong is your only choice.
Repost @eltondesouza23 :
Sprint en descente, ça allait vite !
Franck Pindeler
#marathon #worldrollergames #sprint
#inlinespeedskating #MipasionesPatinar #PatinCarrera #SkateLife #wheeldoping #LifeOnWheels #EveryBodyLovesWheels #WeLoveToSkate #skateist #patinajedevelocidad #skate #skater #training #championships #skaters #inspiration #speedskating #skates #rollerskating #fitness #patines #goodtimes #happiness #skateordie
Men Marathon!
#inlinespeedskating #MipasionesPatinar #PatinCarrera #SkateLife #wheeldoping #LifeOnWheels #EveryBodyLovesWheels #WeLoveToSkate #skateist #patinajedevelocidad #skate #skater #training #championships #skaters #inspiration #speedskating #skates #rollerskating #fitness #patines #goodtimes #happiness #skateordie
Follow your dreams,they know the way!
Junior women 100m final!
©️ @eminem
#inlinespeedskating #MipasionesPatinar #PatinCarrera #SkateLife #wheeldoping #LifeOnWheels #EveryBodyLovesWheels #WeLoveToSkate #skateist #patinajedevelocidad #skate #skater #training #championships #skaters #inspiration #speedskating #skates #rollerskating #fitness #patines #goodtimes #happiness #skateordie
“Recentemente, mi è stato chiesto più volte se avrei gareggiato o meno nelle Olimpiadi invernali 2026 di Milano / Cortina.
Per il momento, mi accontento di concentrarmi sulla stagione in corso e sui Giochi olimpici invernali di Pechino del 2022. MA, non posso negare che ho pensato al cerchio perfetto che chiuderei alle Olimpiadi del 2026, considerando che ho iniziato la mia carriera a Torino nel 2006.
Per ora, e lo dico semplicemente, sarebbe il modo in cui ho sempre immaginato concludere la mia carriera, e se trovassi il mio "Perché" mi vedrete gareggiare a Milano a fare quello che mi hai visto fare a Torino.”
Recently, I was asked whether or not I would compete in the 2026 Milano/Cortina Winter Olympic Games.
For the time being, I am content to focus on the season at hand and the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games. BUT, I HAVE thought about the perfect circle I would make in Milano 2026, considering I began my career at Torino 2006.
For now, I will simply say this, it would be the way I imagined the end of my career and if I find my “Why” you’ll see me in Milano doing what you first saw me do in Torino.”
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Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.
#inlinespeedskating #MipasionesPatinar #PatinCarrera #SkateLife #wheeldoping #LifeOnWheels #EveryBodyLovesWheels #WeLoveToSkate #skateist #patinajedevelocidad #skate #skater #training #championships #skaters #inspiration #speedskating #skates #rollerskating #fitness #patines #goodtimes #happiness #skateordie