spes happy fashion beauty brides classy clothing clothingbrand clothingstore cosmetics customer dress fashionista fashionlover goodvibes hope lace occation party pearl saree sarees srilanka srilankafashion streetstyle style trendy wedding weddingvibes dressmaker dogsonpaddleboards
Praca NÓG jest ważna w szermierce !
The FOOTWORK is important in fencing!
#historicaleuropeanmartialarts #federscherma #federschwert #feder #spes #fiore #fiordibattaglia #desw #dawneeuropejskiesztukiwalki #reenactment #sword #swords #saber #szabla #rapier #longsword #spadaaduemani #spotywalki #historical #sparringgloves #aureussword #longsword #sport #warszawa #średniowiecze #medieval #swordfight
For everyone who saw my story and has been asking me, these dresses and hood are from Medieval Market - SPES.
I was so excited when they arrived, I put them on straight out of the packages and didn’t bother with ironing or makeup
These dresses are re-enactment quality and I’ll be wearing them to @abbeymedievalfestival in less than a month.
The belt is from @makeyourownmedieval and I’ll also be working with them again at Abbey!
Quanto mais salgada a água, mais doce a vida... Não é à toa que o verbo AMAR tem um MAR inteiro dentro dele...
#Trip #adorandotudo #beautiful #cute #SPES #vitoriaespiritosanto #ES #instagram #selfie #instamoment #fun #instalike #instaboy #instabeard #beard #cool #boys #happy #goodlife #vix #SP #Brazil #BR
でも、でもボードはやっぱ楽しい〜〜皆んなも用意して、滑りにきてくださいね〜〜お待ちしてまーす❣️ #スノーボード #snowboard
#スノーボードスクール #snowboardschool
#ハンターマウンテン #huntermountain
#マウントジーンズ #mountjeans
#バッジテスト #ジュニア #キッズ
#spes #spesアクティビティ那須