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Sometimes you mess it up by stepping on the runningline But still about 35 meters Training on a hot day
#fluefiske #fluefiskenorge #girlpower #trainingday #trainingmotivation #treningsglede #speycasting #flyfishinggirl #flyfishingwomen #flyfishing_flygirls #speyfishing #flyfishingonly #flyfishingaddict #flyfishingnation #rivertherapy #øvelsegjørmester #treningsmotivasjon #flugfiske #barefoottraining #girlswhoflyfish @johnny.mardalen @ankenfm
April Vokey caught that beautiful salmon last night at our Beat B1 (about 9,5kg/21lb) witnessed by her adorable daughter Adelaide on her back! We are very happy for you April! Well done! #gaulariver #rogstadmoenlodge #flyfishing #atlanticsalmonflyfishing #flyfishingwomen #atlanticsalmon #speyfishing #bigfish #norway #gaula #flytying #catchandrelease #patagoniaflyfishing
Spey caster @hohflyfish with a beautie of a spey cast
#flyfishing#speycasting#skagit#casting#onthefly#speycast#catchandrelease#seriousaboutsalmonfishing#flugfiske#fluefiske#fliegenfischen#salmonfishing#steelhead#steelheadfishing#steelheadonthefly#laksefiske#pesca#troutonthefly #searunbrown#seatrout#rippinlips#speyfishing#flyfishinggear#flyfishingguide#flyfishinglife#flyfishingonly#spey#5050onthewater#100%#theflyfishingnation
I’d have to write a novel to explain how this day came together for me but I’d honestly never do it justice if I tried. I just want to say THANK YOU to @dryflyjohn ☠️ for giving me the attention and time I needed to work on my swing and for coaching me up before I connected with this fish so that landing her was a success. Also, if you’re looking for big trout.... check us out at @katmaitrophylodge #beastmode
Today’s Dream Rig revolves around a 1998 Land Rover Defender 110. I imagine the owner spent the morning swinging for steel on the Hoh and is now en route to La Push to find some waves; damp waders and wetsuit hang-drying off the back. Anywhere coastal rivers meet the sea is where you’d find this rig. It doesn’t have to be the Olympic Peninsula... It could BC, Oregon or maybe even Kamchatka.
"The river ran clear, the sun was setting and fresh sea-run salmon were entering, stirring up the pools. Not another fisherman in sight. Not long after, the tug finally came, and it came hard. punching the rod followed by an almost violent scream from the reel. It was on! We all came running over to assist, laughing eagerly and screaming. It was safe to say we were a bit malnourished. What came after gave us a good shock....... It’s a f.. sea trout!!.......and a beast trout it was. Giant, shiny, obese and beautiful. Not the fish we expected at all, but hey, can’t complain when the trout of a lifetime decides to eat your fly." [LINK IN BIO] for the full article from Andre Folkedal of @switchproductions #flylords #finnmark #flyfishing #seatroutonfly #speyfishing