Список из самых популярных хештегов по теме #SPIRITUALSEXUALSHAMANISM

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#spiritualsexualshamanism #gaypup #kink #spiritualsexuality #pupplay #gayart #gayartwork #gaypuppy #humanpup #humanpupplay #humanpuppy #redpuppy #tribalgay #daddyissues #kinkfamily #daddykink #sacredsexuality #daddydominant #istalatinamerica #istatribe #leather #sexualhealing #empoderamentoatravesdoprazer #inspiralpriestess #internationalschooloftemplearts #istainbrazil #istalevel1 #istalevel2 #istalevel3 #lovepowerfreedom

Хештеги которые включают в себя хештег #SPIRITUALSEXUALSHAMANISM
#spiritualsexualshamanism #spiritualsexualshamanic #spiritualsexualshaman #spiritualsexualshamanicexperience


CONSCIOUS breathwork and sacred sexuality is a NATURAL part of being human ❤️ I’ve been practicing conscious breathwork daily for 3 years now and it’s transformed my life! I have taught students the faster fire breath chakra clearing method I channelled to release and realign (which is a more masculine feel guided by father spirit) Quodoushka spiritual sexuality taught me to slow what I was already practicing right down, embrace the divine feminine within by working in communion with mother earth to INjoy the natural sensuality of my being in this body. I love using both the slow and fast breathwork techniques now at different times depending on what I feel I need in the moment. Spirit embodied like we do at sacred womb wisdom workshops Link in bio x . . . . . . #unitywellbeing #tribeunity #sallylove #shamanic #angelic #reikimaster #goddess #sacredwombwisdom #wombawakening #divinefeminine #divinemasculine #spiritual #dance #reikihealing #reikiworkshops #munayki #shamanichealing #unitywellbeingdance #chakrahealing #spiritualguide #spiritualcounselling #soulcoach #healer #clairvoyant #intuitive #quodoushka #psychic #consciousness #reiki #spiritualsexualshamanism


Tomorrow I’ll do something I’ve wanted to do for a long time... it’ll likely be intense, and when it’s over I’ll tell you all about it. . Until then, goodnight from Costa Rica.


The family..., it’s growing...I’m growing... I could write thousands of words to describe the transformation but I’m not going to because my silence says more than words could ever do. Now integrating with a few of these beautiful souls on my last day in Prague...surrounded with so much love. #ISTA #practitionertraining #spiritualsexualshamanism #love #family


THE TIME FOR TRANSFORMATION IS NOW! . Step into the next level of your evolution by unlocking the full potency of your human technology. . Liberate your Life Force from blocks and distortions. . Join a growing International creative network prioritising: . EMBODIED SPIRITUALITY POWER SHARING AND THE TRANSFORMATIONAL NATURE OF LOVE! . www.istabrazil.com www.istalatinamerica.com www.schooloftemplearts.org #internationalschooloftemplearts #istatribe #spiritualsexualshamanism #sexualshamanism #sexualhealing #sacredsexuality #transformationalretreats #lovepowerfreedom #istalevel1 #istalevel2 #istalevel3 #istainbrazil #istalatinamerica #inspiralpriestess #osholua #empoderamentoatravesdoprazer #templointimidadeepresenca


Get to know KOMALA LYRA <3 (Level 1 & 2 CO-FACILITATOR) A vibrant mystic gypsy, dakini, dancer, and artist, Komala lives fully the essence of heart-soul enjoying the body as a channel for consciousness. Her presentations activate life force and essential power, naturally awakening sensuality and sexuality. She invites intimacy with ourselves, and while relating with others. In a spontaneous and intuitive way, with clarity, gentleness and rich experiential resources, she invites daring beyond limitations, touching the space of freedom where love is our nature... With more than 30 years experience offering educational programs internationally, she shares refined skills in the healing arts-dance, merging Ayurveda-Yoga-Tantra as one path. She has authored several books, is a professional member of NAMA (National Ayurveda Medical Association, USA), has been a resident at Osho Multiversity and Mystery School faculty (in India and USA) for over 15 years, and is presently Lead faculty at ISTA. More info at:  www.komalalyra.com www.istabrazil.com www.istalatinamerica.com www.schooloftemplearts.org #internationalschooloftemplearts #istatribe #spiritualsexualshamanism #sexualshamanism #sexualhealing #sacredsexuality #transformationalretreats #lovepowerfreedom #istalevel1 #istalevel2 #istalevel3 #istainbrazil #istalatinamerica #inspiralpriestess #osholua #empoderamentoatravesdoprazer #templointimidadeepresenca


Você já ouviu falar no ISTA? ISTA é uma escola internacional de Shamanismo Sexual, onde a base dos ensinamentos é o resgate do Poder Pessoal através da reconexão com nossa energia sexual pura, plena e natural. Através de vivências cuidadosamente pensadas e preparadas para servir a esse propósito, temos a oportunidade de entrar em contato com nossa fonte de prazer e limpar o campo do que nos impede de viver em nossa potência máxima! Há mais de 10 anos atuamos no mundo inteiro, levando a mensagem da liberdade, auto responsabilidade e comprometimento com o desenvolvimento pessoal. Através do prazer e da presença, oferecemos uma oportunidade única de reescrever sua história! Pela 4a vez recebemos os cursos aqui no Brasil, na terra encantada dos cristais, Alto Paraíso, no Santuário Osho Lua! E este ano teremos a presença de Baba Dez Nichols, o fundador do ISTA, em um de seus últimos cursos antes de se aposentar :) É de fato uma oportunidade única de receber transmissões potentes desse ser tão querido e sábio, com as bênçãos da natureza exuberante do Cerrado! Vamos junt@s? Para mais informações: www.istabrazil.com istabrazil@gmail.com Eventos no facebook: level 1: https://www.facebook.com/events/542613022830493/ level 2: https://www.facebook.com/events/255207325424804/ Curta nossa página: https://www.facebook.com/istabrazil/ #internationalschooloftemplearts #istatribe #spiritualsexualshamanism #sexualshamanism #sexualhealing #sacredsexuality #transformationalretreats #lovepowerfreedom #istalevel1 #istalevel2 #istalevel3 #istainbrazil #istalatinamerica #inspiralpriestess #osholua #empoderamentoatravesdoprazer #templointimidadeepresenca


* What is ISTA SSSIn - LEVEL 2 - THE INITIATION * . (LAST SPOTS AVAILABLE FOR MAY IN BRAZIL!) . The Level 1 SSSEx begins its work once the decision is made that this is the way we actually want to live and not just a peak experience on a workshop. The Level 2 SSSIn guides the participant through a series of self - initiations that say goodbye to old patterns of relating and anchor the identity in the deep self that is already free, inherently loving and dynamically creative in the world. . This week provides the teachings and experiences we should have had around our spirituality, our relationship with the transpersonal and its integration with the personal and universal.. This provides us with the opportunity to take initiation - to shift our identity into the soul and become the source of our own life, love and empowered expression in the world. Its symbol is the offering up of the heart. Once the life is 'given up’ or ‘taken over’ by this deeper part of ourselves then we are ready for the greater mysteries - the identification with the universal life of our cosmos and planet. The self becomes a source of inflowing current to our surroundings enabling others to awaken, initiate and transform. We become a creative force in our environment. . The Level 2 training deepens the experience of Level 1, allows for more hands on practice with some of the tools and techniques taught and provides an alchemical container for transformation through group practice, ritual and meditation. . Let's go together? . SOON WE START OUR JOURNEY IN BRAZIL !! . From 1 to 8 May, in Alto Paraíso - Level 1 and from 11 to 18 May - Level 2 . REGISTER NOW: istabrazil@gmail.com www.istabrazil.com . WELCOME TO THE BEST VERSION OF YOURSELF!! ❤ . #internationalschooloftemplearts #istatribe #spiritualsexualshamanism #sexualshamanism #sexualhealing #sacredsexuality #transformationalretreats #lovepowerfreedom #istalevel1 #istalevel2 #istalevel3 #istainbrazil #istalatinamerica #inspiralpriestess #osholua #empoderamentoatravesdoprazer #templointimidadeepresenca


*O que é o ISTA SSSIn - NÍVEL 2 - A INICIAÇÃO* . (ÚLTIMAS VAGAS PARA MAIO NO BRASIL!) . O Nível 1 começa seu trabalho uma vez tomada a decisão de que esta é a maneira que realmente queremos viver e não apenas uma experiência de pico em um curso. O Nível 2 orienta o participante através de uma série de auto-iniciações que dizem adeus aos antigos padrões de relacionamento a ancorar a identidade no eu profundo que já é livre, inerentemente amoroso e dinamicamente criativo no mundo. . Esta semana fornece os ensinamentos e experiências que deveríamos ter tido em torno de nossa espiritualidade, nossa relação com o transpessoal e sua integração com o pessoal e universal. Isso nos dá a oportunidade de iniciar - mudar nossa identidade para a alma e nos tornar fonte de nossa própria vida, amor e expressão fortalecida no mundo. Seu símbolo é a oferta do coração. Uma vez que a vida é 'tomada' por esta parte mais profunda de nós mesmos, então estamos prontos para os mistérios maiores - a identificação com a vida universal do nosso cosmos e planeta. O eu torna-se uma fonte de corrente que flui para o nosso entorno, permitindo que os outros despertem, iniciem e transformem. Nós nos tornamos uma força criativa em nosso ambiente. . O nível 2 aprofunda a experiência do nível 1, permite mais prática com algumas das ferramentas e técnicas ensinadas e fornece um recipiente alquímico para a transformação através da prática em grupo, ritual e meditação. . Vamos junt@s? . FALTA POUCO PARA COMEÇARMOS NOSSA JORNADA NO BRASIL!! . De 1 a 8 de maio, em Alto Paraíso - Nível 1 e de 11 a 18 de maio - Nível 2 . INCREVA-SE JÁ: istabrazil@gmail.com www.istabrazil.com . Bem vind@s à Melhor Versão de Si!! ❤ . #internationalschooloftemplearts #istatribe #spiritualsexualshamanism #sexualshamanism #sexualhealing #sacredsexuality #transformationalretreats #lovepowerfreedom #istalevel1 #istalevel2 #istalevel3 #istainbrazil #istalatinamerica #inspiralpriestess #osholua #empoderamentoatravesdoprazer #templointimidadeepresenca


Get to know NITEN DHYAN <3 (Level 1 CO-FACILITATOR) Niten is an international Tantra teacher who facilitates courses for singles and couples. He is a lead teacher at Tantra Essence and ISTA faculty teacher. In 2010, he founded "The Integrated Masculine", a "in depth" process for the modern man. In 2014, he created one of the largest Tantra Festival worldwide, Ibiza Tantra Festival. Having lived for 10 years in India, he studied Indian Classical Music and received various levels of transmission in the field of Tantra and Sacred Sexuality. His passion for natural evolution and the subtleties of personal growth makes him a gifted facilitator. With clear insights and humour, Niten invites every participant to shake off their conditionings, breakthrough old patterns and reunite with their essential nature. He is currently based in Ibiza, Spain and Ko Pha Ngan, Thailand. More info at: www.ibizatantrafestival.com www.tantra-essence.com ​www.istabrazil.com www.istalatinamerica.com www.schooloftemplearts.org #internationalschooloftemplearts #istatribe #spiritualsexualshamanism #sexualshamanism #sexualhealing #sacredsexuality #transformationalretreats #lovepowerfreedom #istalevel1 #istalevel2 #istalevel3 #istainbrazil #istalatinamerica #inspiralpriestess #osholua #empoderamentoatravesdoprazer #templointimidadeepresenca

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