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Happy 77th birthday to Harrison Ford, seen here at age 30 in George Lucas’ first successful film “American Graffiti.” Ford originally wanted to turn down the role because the $485/week salary wasn’t as much as he could make as a carpenter in Hollywood. When Ford returned to carpentry after “Graffiti” came out, Lucas hired him to repair a door during auditions for Star Wars. Ford was a natural fit for the character of Han Solo. ✨
#ad I am in love with @wonderymedia #TheMoment podcasts. I love how relatable and honest these podcasts are. The stories they share are comforting in knowing that you are not alone. My husband and I started dating when we were only 13 and dated off and on all throughout highschool. We eventually split our ways for a couple of years and ended up back together years late. I seriously recommend checking it out and hearing all of the stories from REAL couples to learn what had gone wrong and how it finally changed for the better.
Tell me about your love story?
Please see link in bio.
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I love listening to The Moment podcast by @wonderymedia - from the very first episode about Kirk and Jenny, I was hooked! It’s an easy listen - relatable, quirky, and cute stories about real people and what they went through until they finally got it right.
#TheMoment is about love and the sometimes bumpy road to commitment. No matter our relationship status, we’ve all experienced love and loss, right? While listening to the episode, I found myself looking back at my own experiences... the good, the bad, the painful and the happy moments that got me to where I am today.
Listen to it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or at - link in my bio. #ad
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SpotifyのPodcast番組、「中島ヒロトのLIFE ALBUM」やらせてもらってます。今回から少し企画を変えて、飲みながらトーク。第1回のゲストは、民生パイセン。特にここ数年、一緒にイベントやらせてもらったりして、飲み場ご一緒も多いんだけど、サシ飲みのサシでトーク(スタッフはいたけどね)は初めて。台本もないし、なんとなくの頭の中の構成だけを頼りに話して、終わった後、これ大丈夫かな、と思ったけど(笑)、聴いたら面白かった(手前味噌ですいません・笑)。ほぼノー編集の1時間です。やっぱりこの方は憧れです。可愛がってもらって、幸せです。来週末は一緒に北海道。楽しみ過ぎる。
Elindult a Fatimapanka Lifestyle Podcast! Ennél a képnél semmi sem fejezi ki jobban, mennyire örülök, elmosódás ide vagy oda. Két epizódot is meg tudtok már hallgatni, keressétek Spotifyon és Anchoron. 1-2 nap és Apple Podcaston is elérhető lesz. Ide pedig kommentben vagy üziben nagy szeretettel várom a témajavaslataitokat! Köszönöm, hogy ennyire támogatóan álltok ehhez a projecthez is, olvasom, amit írtok, akkor is, ha késve tudok válaszolni! ❤️ Boldog Július Negyedikét! Köszi @iluvkeyz a szupermenő podcast introért, amit nekem komponáltál, meg ezért a totál Fatis fotóért is köszi. Szeretlek! @monikahindi neked pedig köszönöm, hogy első podcast vendégként megosztottad a történetünket. ❤️
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I love @fitclubbhl because I’m blessed to get inspired by some of the best each week and @jasonroselllive is no exception - even more blessed to call you friend. Thanks for bringing some of the caliente this week! Check out YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, etc for the full show! .
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To celebrate one year with @NexusRadioDance, you can now find #JuryDuty with #DJYourHonor after it airs on all the major #podcast platforms, including #ApplePodcasts, #SpotifyPodcast and more!!!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
#DJYH #InSession #DJing #DJLife #PartyWithHonor #YourHonor #HereComesTheJudge #DontJudgeMe #Moonbahton #ProgressiveHouseMusic #FutureHouse #ElectroHouseMusic #DanceMusic #HouseMusic #ILoveHouseMusic #EDMMusic #PlatinumHair #BlueEyedDJ #BeardedDJ #Honor #killdit #Peeks #NexusRadio #EdenWayOfLife #Courtroom