stephanieselezneva yarickseleznev englishinulyanovsk ulyanovsk_life английскийульяновск ilovemyfamily crete2019 ilovemystudents английскийвульяновске ilovemydaughter английскийдетскийсадульяновск london2019 summer2019 ulyanovsk разговорныйклубульяновск
When you wake to make yourself happy ... thanx for such a wonderful morning to my sis @aleksazaiceva to kids #yarickseleznev and #stephanieselezneva to my husband @poezdki_v_london to my business and life @elephant_73 and all my students and their parents #английскийульяновск #englishinulyanovsk #ulyanovsk_life #английскийдетскийсадульяновск #частныйдетскийсадульяновск #английскийдетскийсадульяновск
When you daughter sometimes forgets to clean her teeth you have to take all her friends to the dentist @_dr_vinnik in @via_dent and explain everything in English #ilovemystephanie #ilovemydaughter #ilovemyfamily #ilovemystudents #английскийульяновск #ulyanovsk_life #englishinulyanovsk #stephanieselezneva #английскийдетскийсадульяновск #английскийвульяновске
I have some questions: 1) what is the tree 2) what am I going to do on this balcony? 3) what are they ( my family) looking for? 4) whose breakfast is it ? 5) why has Stephanie closed her eyes ) if you are the first to answer the questions correctly, I will bring you a good souvenir from #Crete #ilovemyfamily #stephanieselezneva #yarickseleznev @poezdki_v_london