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Même si l’idée de conserver des aliments pour les périodes de disette est vieille comme le monde, ce n’est pas le cas des conserves telles que nous les connaissons avec les qualités d’hygiène que nous attendons aujourd’hui !
Le premier à développer une technique fiable est le confiseur Nicolas Appert à la fin du 18ème siècle. Pasteur vient confirmer les intuitions d’Appert et la pasteurisation offre de nouvelles voies à la conserve.
Ça vous dit un article complet sur comment faire ses conserves avec des références de livres et de sites intéressants ?
Il y a de grandes différences entre les conserves d’aliments acides comme les fruits et ceux conservés au vinaigre d’un côté, et ceux contenant des légumes , de la viande et du poisson de l’autre. Pour ces derniers la conservation par le froid est non seulement plus sûre mais en préserve mieux les propriétés gustatives.
Mangez-vous des conserves ? Quelles sont vos méthodes de conservation préférées pour la nourriture ?
Dernier jour de déménagement ici à Bruxelles, demain retour dans mon petit paradis vert en attendant le grand départ pour le Malawi le 1er septembre.
#conserve #conserves #campagne #conservation #sterilization #sterilisation #conservesmaison #preserves #bocaux #fruitsausirop #fruitsausiropmaison #campagne #diy #faitmaison #autonomie #alimentationsaine #antigaspi #zerodechet #zerodechets #cuisinezerodechet #astucezd #abricots #fruitsdusoleil #conservesdefruits
Today I start series of my posts about sterilization ⠀
Sterilization describes a process that destroys or eliminates all forms of microbial life by physical or chemical methods. ⠀
Sterilization is intended to convey an absolute meaning; unfortunately, however, some professionals and commercial literature refer to “disinfection” as “sterilization” and items as “partially sterile.” When chemicals are used to destroy all forms of microbiologic life, they can be called chemical sterilants. These same germicides used for shorter exposure periods also can be part of the disinfection process (i.e., high-level disinfection). ⠀ A major risk of all such procedures is the introduction of pathogens that can lead to infection. Failure to properly disinfect or sterilize equipment carries not only risk associated with breach of host barriers but also risk for person-to-person transmission (e.g., hepatitis B virus) and transmission of environmental pathogens (e.g., Pseudomonas aeruginosa).❗️ ⠀ ⠀
The two common steam-sterilizing temperatures are 121°C (250°F) and 132°C (270°F). These temperatures (and other high temperatures) must be maintained for a minimal time to kill microorganisms. Recognized minimum exposure periods for sterilization of wrapped implements are 30 minutes at 121°C (250°F) in a gravity displacement sterilizer or 4 minutes at 132°C (270°F) in a prevacuum sterilizer. At constant temperatures, sterilization times vary depending on the type of item, whether the item is wrapped or unwrapped, and the sterilizer type. ☝
Do you want to know the difference between autoclaves? Don’t know what autoclave will work better for your needs? I promise to post more information about sterilization and autoclaves if I see that you are interested! ❤️ ⠀
#amelinaparaiso #sterilization #chicagonailtechs #chicagonailsalon #chicagonailshops #chicagoclasses #chicagonaileducation
Sterilization is a serious issue in the nail industry, and it’s one that confuses many nail technicians. It is important that every nail salon practices a proper sanitation regiment from the beginning. ⠀
Some nail technicians use a glass bead sterilizer for their sterilization process because it is inexpensive and easy to use. Most of these sterilizers on the market are inexpensive ($10-$25) and made out of plastic that can cause a fire at your work station. More expensive models can be made from metal and can cost around $500.⠀
Glass bead sterilizers use small glass beads (1.2-1.5 mm diameter) and high temperature for brief exposure times to inactivate microorganisms. These devices have been used for several years in the dental profession. The FDA believes that there is a risk of infection with this device because of potential failure to sterilize dental instruments and their use should be discontinued until the device has received FDA clearance. ❗️☝⠀
Glass bead sterilizer devices that generate high temperatures are not recommended for instrument sterilization because only part of the instrument can be immersed within the glass beads. The best size of the implements is the size of e-file bits because of the only small size implements/tools can be completely immersed into glass beads. ⠀ ⠀
When glass beads are heated, they are tightly in contact with the implement’s blades or e-file bits and can cause your implements to dull faster. If implements/bits were not completely dry, it causes corrosion.♀️♀️⠀
As the manufacturers promise, this chamber heats glass beads to 100-300°C/212-572°F for fast sterilization (10-45 seconds only). My colleague’s (@kapitsa_uliia ) practice and experiment shows us lower temperatures (no higher than 130°C/266°F). ⠀
For example, Hepatitis B can be destroyed in 1 hour with 160°C/320°F temperatures using dry heat or in 45 min with 120°C/250°F using autoclave (steam & pressure). If you are not following these temperatures or time, viruse will not be destroyed. ⠀
#amelinaparaiso #annaamelina #amelinaanna #sterilization #disinfection #nailsalon #sterilizer #nails #education #chicagoclasses
If you don't know what happened to me in the last week, sit down, pull up a chair, I have a story for you.
On Sunday last week, I checked into hospital with terrible, awful, burning pain and cramps in my lower belly, bad enough that I couldn’t walk and throwing up every few hours.
After a CT scan and a random brainwave, I realised that not sterilizing my menstrual cup had given me Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, which also spread to my appendix. After a week in the hospital, I'm home, one appendix lighter, and a little wiser and more aware of how careful I need to be with my cup
I think I'm gonna buy a couple more, so I have a backup or two, and make it a point to keep all of them as clean as humanly possible. All it takes to clean one is to sterilize in boiling water for 5 - 10 minutes BETWEEN EACH USE.
That's key, and what I missed in a mad rush to do other things during my last period. As I've learned the hard way, the cost of carelessness is high and I don't want any of you to be as miserable as I've been in the last five days.
Be safe out there, ladies. ❤️
#Repost @amelina_paraiso
For our clients and students we have a machine for individual packaging of our bits & implements! ⠀ ⠀
⠀ ⠀
#amelinaparaiso #chicagonailtechs #chicagonailshops #chicagonailsalon #chicagonailartist #disinfection #sterilization #efilanicure #efilepedicure #drymanicure #ericasata #drypedicure #russianmanicure #russianpedicure
The things she describes are actually NOT laws, just things doctors say when they don't want to perform these procedures. We know this is not true for ALL Doctors, but it’s nice to shine a light on how the majority of the time, it is a process for women to get sterilized. #womensrights #tedtalk #sterilization #tuballigation #tubestied #childfree #cfbc #childfreebychoice #nokids
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WAŻNE! Pamiętacie, kiedy pytałam Was tutaj na Instagramie o to dlaczego wybieracie dany salon kosmetyczny? Argumenty były różne - cena, marka lakierów, talent stylistki, odległość od pracy/domu, parking... i tylko 23% odpowiedziało, że... WYSTERYLIZOWANE NARZĘDZIA. Dużo? Mało? Potem w wiadomościach prywatnych pisałyście "Ale przecież jest sterylizaor kulkowy/myjka ultradzwiękowa/wanienka do dezynfekcji/sterylizator UV..." i jeszcze inne cuda... To dlatego dziś na blogu ważny tekst - o tym, kiedy z salonu uciekać. Poświęć mi 5 minut i sprawdź dlaczego się tak mądrze!
PS Link w bio
#enbio #autoklaw #manicure #pedicure #stylizacjapaznokci #sterilization #safetyfirst #enbiosteamjet #steamjet #paznokcie #nails #nailart #summernails