straws savetheearth ecofriendly noplastic strawssuck bamboo green nature noplasticstraws savetheworld saynotoplasticstraws zerowaste biodegradable earth ocean reusablestraw savetheplanet straw bamboostraws coffee gogreen plastic savetheturtles stainlesssteelstraw turtle vegan animals cups drinks indonesianbushcraft
this video,dating back to 2015, has been able to shake the public opinion by placing worldwide attention on the damage caused by plastic in the sea. The turtle, found in Costa Rica, presented a nostril obstructed by a plastic straw. More than 8 minutes were required to extract the object. “We did not want to act that way but we hope it can breathe better now. We disinfected the nostrils with iodine and left it with us for a while before leaving it back into the sea. The animal stopped bleeding and started breathing better” ——————————————————
#saveearth #earth #ocean #saveocean #earthmoving #litter #straws #help #saveturtles #turtles #helpsave #cleanourplanet #clean
if you ever have an option to use an alternative straw instead of a plastic one, do it !!!
you don’t know how much you will be helping the planet by a simple act that takes a few seconds
follow @savetheworldmission for more ♻️
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- #planet #save #turtles #savetheplanet #earth #earthday #straws #shark #animals #aesthetic #actnow #makeachange #globaldealfornature #youcandoit #savetheworld #savetheworldmission #makeachange #savetheplanet #savetheearth #savetheworld #savetheworld #earthday #welovetheearth #environmentalist #environment #climatechange #endplasticpollution
South American Sea Lion waiting patiently for some grub.
Follow @lifeonourearth for more!
Tag someone that should see this!
thanks to u/Tylers_Twin on Reddit for this amazing video and @_natureisfuckinglit for the caption!
#earth #instagood #earthpix #sunset #wonderful #photography #travels #beauty #sealion #vacations #love #travel #nature #geography #animals #straws #natgeo #discover #worldwide #explore #landscape #instagram #seal #canada #Switzerland #cute #awesome #wildlife #world #amazing
Você sabia que o Brasil é o 4º pais qur mais produz plástico no mundo e recicla apenas 1,28 % disto?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Vejam os dados que a WWF apresentou no estudo “ Solucionar a Poluição Plástica: Transparência e Responsabilidade”⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
♻️ No Brasil, 2,4 milhoes de toneladas de plástico são descartadas em lixões a céu aberto. 7,7 milhōes de tolenadas são descartadas em aterros sanitários.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Metade de todo plástico que polue o meio ambiente foi produzido após o ano 2000! Se continuarmos neste ritmo onde vamos parar?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Estimasse que um terço de todo plástico produzido tenha virado poluição na natureza⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
75 % do plástico produzido até hoje já foi descartado e somente 20 % dos resíduos foram destinados para reciclagem. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Então, a conclusão é simples. Não basta ser reciclável, tem que ser reciclado de FATO. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Hoje no Brasil, a reciclagem de plástico ainda não é lucrativa por isto, não atinge a larga escala devido a problemas de coleta e por conta do lixo reciclável estar “contaminado” ou misturado.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
O que podemos fazer? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
❗️ EVITE EMBALAGENS PLÁSTICAS. Pense nas embalagens de cosméticos, embalagens de salgadinho, garrafinhas de água , sacolinhas de frutas e isopor! Prefira embalagens de papel de metal ou simplesmente compre sem embalagem!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
‼️ Diga não a todos descartáveis possíveis! Canudinho, copo, talheres, garrafinha, cotonete, absorventes, sacolinhas de supermercado, potinho de açaí... Diga não!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
❗️‼️ Se usar plástico, separe de forma correta! Leve para um centro de reciclagem próximo :) Ah! Não esqueça de lavar bem, plástico sujo não é reciclavel! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Temos que fazer nossa parte! Vamos juntos? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #econudo #SoEconudo #CanudosEcologicos #CanudosDeInox #CanudosColoridos #CanudoDeINox #Canudos #Straws #reusableSTraws #CanudoEcologico
happy earth day! It’s a long one today but read it all because it’s important. The other day, a local business served a drink to a family member in this cup. At first i was intrigued and visited the manufacturers website to find out more. Here are my thoughts. This cup is not ‘plastic’ but i could easily have the same impact of a plastic cup. PLA or Polylactic Acid is a bioplastic made from cornstarch in this case and is the most popular iteration of bioplastic. This cup is biodegradable only in controlled conditions found in industrial composting which means it must be disposed of responsibly in the correct way because this cup would not have a chance of biodegrading in a natural environment or in landfill. Bioplastic is definitely not a replacement to traditional plastic due to the likelihood of it following the same path to landfill or in our oceans. I appreciate the technological innovation required for a product like this but i would rather businesses promoted the use of reusables and for individuals to evaluate their plastic usage and reduce where you can.
Another topic similar to this is that recently i’ve seen petitions and such about macdonald’s change to paper straws, which is a great step for such a huge company, and for them to bring back their plastic straws. These petitions have had thousands of signs and it’s baffles me. The conversation on climate change and plastic pollution is bigger then ever before and i cannot explain the disgust i feel when i see things like this, how can people be so ignorant about the world around them! anyway, a recap: bioplastic isn’t the saviour of plastic pollution, businesses should promote the use of reusables and people should educate themselves on the state of the earth and change their actions accordingly.
#lesswaste #environment #globalwarming #zerowastescotland #zerowaste #carbonfootprint #lowimpact #lowimpactmovement #lowimpactliving #carbon #climatechange #environmentalscience #passonplastic #noexcuseforsingleuse #reduce #reuse #recycle #lesswastewarriors #vegan #plasticfree #sustainable #glass #noplastic #bioplastic #macdonalds #straws #gretathunberg #extinctionrebellion #environmentalscience
This art installation was made from 168,000 recycled plastic straws collected off the streets for 6 months by @zerowastesaigon . "Strawpocalypse," which was on display at Vietnam's Estella Place through March 2019, was created by artist and activist Benjamin @vonwong to highlight how the pollution of plastic straws can add up to a large environmental problem. #art #artist #artwork #vietnam #activism #artivist #environment #plastic #pollution #recycle #straws