stress anxiety selfcare depression mentalhealth wellness health healing love mindfulness spiritual training yoga burnout coach meditation mentalhealthmatters mentalillness breathe career emotions energy happiness healthyliving healthymind medita mentalhealthawareness mentalhealthrecovery mindset motivation advice
I created this #postofpositivity for @everydayhealth and their #stressawarenessmonth post-it’s.
When did stress, daily stress, become an accepted norm in the workplace? Why do we think in order to get noticed in our careers we need to almost push ourselves over the edge in terms of stress levels?
I’ve noticed that many people go to the point of letting stress make them unwell before they admit they’ve maybe bitten off a bit more than they can chew.
Why risk your own wellbeing just because you think it’s the norm? Or you’ve been told it’s the norm, especially when your young, new or inexperienced.
It’s ok to say no when your workload is already full.
It’s ok to ask for help when you feel like you’re overwhelmed.
It’s ok to admit you’re feeling stress and you’re not ok with it.
It’s ok to challenge people’s perceptions of what is acceptable in terms of workload and work/life balance.
Stress shouldn’t be a norm and it’s time we reminded our colleagues, friends and everyone around us of that fact!
#stressawarenessmonth #stressawareness #stress #changingnorms #postofpositivity #laurajaneillustrations #stressintheworkplace #managingstress #sayingno #sayno
Health hack #5 .
Follow @healthwarriors1 for regular health tips.
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Um dos objetivos da avaliação neuropsicológica é a investigação e descrição dos prejuízos cognitivos e afetivos que
foram adquiridos em consequência de danos cerebrais. Nesse sentido, em casos como de tumores cerebrais, traumatismos craniencefálicos, epilepsias, acidentes vasculares cerebrais e demências, a avaliação neuropsicológica é de extrema importância.
A avaliação neuropsicológica também pode ser usada na avaliação e reavaliação de pacientes em acompanhamento de tratamentos cirúrgicos e medicamentosos, na investigação das alterações cognitivas/comportamentais que tais tratamentos possam trazer.
Para avaliar tais sintomas, não deixe de agendar uma consulta com a Doutora Gleice Arruda.
informações: 62 3273-2712/ 99293-5653 Whatsapp na BIO. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #odontologia, #pediatria, #odontopediatria, #psicologia, #psiquiatria, #medicina, #bemestar, #saude, #workshop,
#goiania, #goias, #parqueatheneu, #consultorios, #saudebucal, #neuropsicologia, #tratamento, #disturbiocerebral, #stress, #memoria, #sistemanervoso
Tidak bisa dipungkiri jika stres bisa dirasakan siapa saja. ☺️
Stres memang bagian dari kehidupan yang harus dimanage dengan baik agar tak mempengaruhi kesehatan tubuh dan juga emosional kamu. Nah, salah satu bagian tubuh yang terdampak langsung karena stres adalah kulit wajah. .
Hal ini karena saat stres, produksi hormon kortisol meningkat dan dapat menyebabkan produksi minyak berlebih pada kulit. Kondisi ini akan menyebabkan gangguan pada kulit seperti kulit menjadi kusam, kering, pecah-pecah, jerawat dan masalah kulit lainnya. .
Oleh karena itu pastikan dirimu tak berlarut-larut dalam stres ya! Sebisa mungkin minimalisir stres yang kamu hadapi dengan hidup lebih ceria agar kesehatan tak terpengaruh. .
Jangan lupa share ke teman yang sedang mengalami masa-masa sulit agar stres tak membuat kecantikan wajah pudar, yuk!
#SehatAlaOkadoc #dampakstres #bahayastres #infokesehatan #infokecantikan #kecantikankulit #wajah #bebasjerawat #stres #stress #tipskecantikan #hidupsehat #sehatalami
Kendine karşı nazik ol. İnsan suçu en çok kendisinde arıyor. En acımasız biçimde kendisini eleştiriyor. Öte yandan suçu hep başkalarına yükleyip kendini daima haklı görmek de yanlış ve yıpratıcı. İnişlerinle, çıkışlarınla, doğrularınla ve yanlışlarınla kendini kabul etmelisin. Hatalarını kabul etmeli ve bunlardan ders çıkarmalısın. Keşkelerde boğulmak ve olumsuz düşüncelere saplanmak yerine kendine: Bunlardan ders çıkarıp daha iyi ve güzelini nasıl yapabilirim? diye sormalısın. #kendinekarşınazikol #kendineiyidavran #özşefkat #farkındalık #ruhsağlığı #mutluluk #stres #doğru #yanlış #başarı #başarısızlık #hata #başaçıkma illüstrasyon @ezgiyaman_s Be nice to yourself. The most people are blaming, judging or brutally criticizing themselves. On the other hand of course you must accept and learn from your mistakes. It's wrong and frustrating to always put the blame on others. You have to accept yourself with your up and downs, truths and mistakes. Instead of drowning in quarrels and getting into negative thoughts, you should ask yourself: How can I learn from them and do better? #bekind to yourself #selfcompassion #selflove #selfcare #mentalhealth #stress #coping #strategies #mindfulness