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Хештеги на тему #STUDIARERUSSO

RUSSIAN LANGUAGE pt.4 ~ In that time I was in Cholpon Ata ( Kirghistan) to watch the nomad games, the most important sporting eventing in Asia. -Tip of the day: Don't be shy, get out there and talk with people even if they are a journalist for a notable TV channel! If you don't know some words, just pretend you know them... Confidence is key! Did you ever find yourself in a situation like this ___________________ 110 giorni per parlare RUSSO pt.4 ~ In quel periodo ero a Cholpon-Ata (Kirghistan) per vedere i Nomad Games, ovvero la più importante manifestazione sportiva in Asia. -Consiglio del giorno: Non siate timidi, buttatevi e parlate con le persone anche se questi sono giornalisti del più noto canale televisivo! Se non sapete le parole, fate finta di saperle...La fiducia in se stessi è la chiave! Vi siete mai trovati in condizioni come questa

Хештеги на тему #STUDIARERUSSO

Central Kids Store on Lubyanka (Центральный Детский Магазин на Лубянке - #ЦДМ) Teatralny proezd, 5/1, Moscow Nearest metro stations: Lubyanka, Kuznetsky most. The history of "Central Kids Store on Lubyanka" dates back to 1953. The main children's department store of the country was built on the site of the demolished Lubyansky passage designed by the architect Alexey Dushkin. Dedicated to the international festival of youth and students the grand opening of the store was held on June 6, 1957. CDM became the largest children's shop in the USSR and the first commercial facility where escalators were installed. In the store you could find products for children of all ages. In new time the shop managed to keep the unique shape, the atmosphere of magic and the fairy tale which were forever remembered by millions of Soviet children and their parents. In 2005 the building of "Central Kids Store on Lubyanka" has received the status of an object of cultural heritage of regional value. "Hals-development" company started the reconstruction of "Central Kids Store". The works were based on the original drawings of the architect Alexey Dushkin who was the author of the project. Restoring of the facade ceramic facing, granite facing and bricklaying of walls, as well as recreating of aluminum stained-glass windows and oak windows took only 2 years, which became a real record. On March 31, 2015 the renovated "Central Kids Store" opened its doors to visitors. The launch of the biggest clock "Raketa" took place in a festive atmosphere of CDM main atrium, which officially marked the shopping center opening. The grandiose clock mechanism weighing more than 5 tons was created by the the oldest Russian factory "Raketa" and became the "heart" of the renovated store. On June 6, 2017, "Central Kids Shop on Lubyanka" celebrated its 60th anniversary. The largest children's shop has become an important milestone in the history of our country, a symbol of a happy and carefree childhood. A huge pool filled with balls and toys was built in the main atrium in honor of the holiday. "Central Kids Store on Lubyanka" is a unique complex for family and children's leisure. #places_easypeasyrussian

Хештеги на тему #STUDIARERUSSO

Kuzminsky park and estate. Located in the south-east of Moscow. Vlakhernskoye-Kuzminki is an estate formerly belonging to the Stroganov and Golitsyn families of the Russian nobility. Today it is incorporated into Kuzminki-Lyublino historical park located in Moscow's Kuzminki District. The estate was named after the Icon of Theotokos Vlakhernskaya, a copy of which was kept in the estate church. Nowadays it’s a popular relaxation spot for Muscovites and visitors of the city, who enjoy its natural beauty as well as the various entertainments it offers. #places_easypeasyrussian

Хештеги на тему #STUDIARERUSSO

Кухня - kitchen 1. шкафчик - cabinet 2. полка - shelf 3. бумажные полотенца - paper towels 4. раковина - sink 5. сушилка для посуды - dish rack 6. тостер - toaster 7. мусорное ведро - garbage disposal 8. посудомоечная машина - dishwasher 9. холодильник - refrigerator 10. морозильник - freezer 11. кофеварка - coffeemaker 12. блендер - blender 13. микроволновая печь - microwave 14. электрический консервный нож - electric can opener 15. мини-печь - toaster oven 16. кастрюля - pot 17. чайник - kettle 18. плита - stove 19. горелка/конфорка - burner 20. духовка - oven 21. сушильный шкаф - drying cabinet 22. кухонный стол - counter 23. выдвижной ящик - drawer 24. сковорода - pan 25. миксер - mixer (electric mixer) 26. кухонный комбайн - food processor 27. разделочная доска - cutting board 28. миска - bowl ************ #vocabulary_easypeasyrussian

Хештеги на тему #STUDIARERUSSO

Maslenitsa (Shrovetide) is the holiday of welcoming spring and saying farewell to the frosts of winter. It lasts for a whole week and culminates on Shrove Sunday, with carnivals, bonfires, snow fortress fights, and in some areas troika sleigh rides. This year (2018) it comes for next week (12.02-18.02). There's no Shrovetide without pancakes The tradition stems from the pagan cult of the sun and the symbolic round. Golden pancakes are served with butter, caviar, sour cream, jams - treats to remember, as Shrovetide is the last week before the seven week of the Great Lent. The brightest scenes of Shrovetide you can see in "The barber of Siberia". I highly recommend this movie for all those who would really like to plunge into the atmosphere of this old Russian holiday and Russian culture itself. Масленица [ˈmas⁽ʲ⁾lʲɪnʲɪt͡sə] - Shrovetide #maslenitsa_easypeasyrussian#maslenitsa#shrovetide#russianculture#russianholidays

Хештеги на тему #STUDIARERUSSO

Цвета [t͡svʲɪˈta] - colours. Красный [ˈkrasnɨj] - red. Оранжевый [ɐˈranʐɨvɨj] - orange. Жёлтый [ˈʐoltɨj] - yellow. Зелёный [zʲɪˈlʲɵnɨj] - green. Голубой [ɡəlʊˈboj] - blue. Синий [ˈsʲinʲɪj] - deep blue. #colours_easypeasyrussian

Хештеги на тему #STUDIARERUSSO

The gender agreement between nouns and adjectives in the singular. Masculine adjective + masculine noun. Feminine adjective + feminine noun. Neuter adjective + neuter noun. Masculine adjectival endings: -ОЙ, -ИЙ, -ЫЙ. Feminine adjectival endings: -АЯ, -ЯЯ. Neuter adjectival endings: -ОЕ, -ЕЕ. Don't forget to repeat how to determine gender of a noun #gender_easypeasyrussian or find post with the front word ОН. Какой, какая, какое? [kɐˈkoj, kɐˈkajə, kɐˈkojə] - what, which, what kind of? Чай какой? [t͡ɕæj kɐˈkoj] - What kind of tea? Чёрный [ˈt͡ɕɵrnɨj] - black. Зелёный [zʲɪˈlʲɵnɨj] - green. Белый [ˈbʲelɨj] - white. Вода какая? [vɐˈda kɐˈkajə] - What kind of water? Холодная [xɐˈlodnəjə] - cold. Горячая [ɡɐˈrʲæt͡ɕəjə] - hot. Тёплая [ˈtʲɵpləjə] - warm. Вино какое? [vʲɪˈno kɐˈkojə] - What kind of wine? Красное [ˈkrasnəjə] - red. Белое [ˈbʲeləjə] - white. Розовое [ˈrozəvəjə] - rose, pink. Новый, новая, новое [ˈnovɨj, ˈnovəjə, ˈnovəjə] - new. Старый, старая, старое [ˈstarɨj, ˈstarəjə, ˈstarəjə] - old. Новый дом [ˈnovɨj dom] - new house. Новая машина [ˈnovəjə mɐˈʂɨnə] - new car. Новое место [ˈnovəjə ˈmʲestə] - new place. Старый дом [ˈstarɨj dom] - old house. Старая машина [ˈstarəjə mɐˈʂɨnə] - old car. Старое место [ˈstarəjə ˈmʲestə] - old place. #agreement_easypeasyrussian

Хештеги на тему #STUDIARERUSSO

Irregular plural forms - nouns that have a change to the stem. Offer to remember the most frequent words : Брат - братья [brat - ˈbratʲjə] - brother-brothers. Сын - сыновья [sɨn - sɨnɐˈvʲja] - son-sons. Друг - друзья [druk - drʊˈzʲja] - friend-friends. Стул - стулья [stul - ˈstulʲjə] - chair-chairs. Дерево - деревья [ˈdʲerʲɪvə - dʲɪˈrʲevʲjə] - tree-trees. Лист - листья [lʲist -ˈlʲisʲtʲjə] - leaf-leaves. Дочь - дочери [dot͡ɕ - ˈdot͡ɕɪrʲɪ] - daughter-daughters. Мать - матери [matʲ - ˈmatʲɪrʲɪ] - mother-mothers. Яблоко - яблоки [ˈjabləkə - ˈjabləkʲɪ] - apple-apples. Ухо - уши [ˈuxə - ˈuʂɨ] - ear-ears. Сосед - соседи [ sɐˈsʲet - sɐˈsʲedʲɪ] - neighbor-neighbors. Господин - господа [ɡəspɐˈdʲin - ɡəspɐˈda] - sir-sirs. Хозяин - хозяева [xɐˈzʲaɪn - xɐˈzʲæ(j)ɪvə] - owner-owners. Ребёнок - дети [rʲɪˈbʲɵnək - ˈdʲetʲɪ] - child-children. Человек - люди [t͡ɕɪlɐˈvʲek - ˈlʲʉdʲɪ] - man, person, human -people, humans. Котёнок - котята [kɐˈtʲɵnək - kɐˈtʲatə] - kitten-kittens. Цыплёнок - цыплята [t͡sɨˈplʲɵnək - t͡sɨˈplʲatə] - chicken-chickens. Гражданин - граждане [ɡrəʐdɐˈnʲin - ˈɡraʐdənʲe] - citizen-citizens. Россиянин - россияне [rəsʲɪˈjænʲɪn - rəsʲɪˈjænʲe] - citizen of Russia-citizens of Russia. Христианин - христиане [xrʲɪsʲtʲɪɐˈnʲin - xrʲɪsʲtʲɪˈanʲe] - Christian-Christians. Мусульманин - мусульмане [mʊsʊlʲˈmanʲɪn - mʊsʊlʲˈmanʲe] - Muslim-Muslims. Англичанин - англичане [ɐnɡlʲɪˈt͡ɕænʲɪn - ɐnɡlʲɪˈt͡ɕænʲe] - Englishman-English. Датчанин - датчане [dɐˈt͡ɕːænʲɪn - dɐˈt͡ɕːænʲe] - Dane-Danes. Армянин - армяне [ɐrmʲɪˈnʲin - ɐrˈmʲænʲe] - Armenian-Armenians. #plural_easypeasyrussian

Хештеги на тему #STUDIARERUSSO

Certain nouns that denote a profession have no feminine form. Я [ja] - I. Ты [tɨ] - you informal. Вы [vɨ] - you formal or you plural. Мы [mɨ] - we. Он [on] - he Она [ɐˈna] - she. Оно [ɐˈno] - it. Они [ɐˈnʲi] - they. Кто ... по профессии? [kto vɨ ... pə prɐˈfʲesʲɪɪ] - What is ... profession/occupation? Инженер - инженеры [ɪnʐɨˈnʲer - ɪnʐɨˈnʲerɨ] - engineer-engineers. Психолог - психологи [psʲɪˈxolək - psʲɪˈxoləɡʲɪ] - psychologist-psychologists. Врач - врачи [vrat͡ɕ - vrɐˈt͡ɕi] - doctor-doctors. Юрист - юристы [jʉˈrʲist - jʉˈrʲistɨ] - lawyer-lawyers. Учитель - учителя [ʊˈt͡ɕitʲɪlʲ - ʊt͡ɕɪtʲɪˈlʲa] - teacher-teachers. Архитектор - архитекторы [ɐrxʲɪˈtʲektər - ɐrxʲɪˈtʲektərɨ] - architect-architects. Администратор [ɐdmʲɪnʲɪˈstratər] - administrator, receptionist. Банкир [bɐnˈkʲir] - banker. Дизайнер [dʲɪˈzajnʲɪr] - designer. Геолог [ɡʲɪˈolək] - geologist. Строитель [strɐˈitʲɪlʲ] - builder, constructor, construction worker. Консультант [kənsʊlʲˈtant] - consultant. Маркетолог [mərkʲɪˈtolək] - marketer. Секретарь [sʲɪkrʲɪˈtarʲ] - secretary. Повар [ˈpovər] - cook, chef. Журналист [ʐʊrnɐˈlʲist] - journalist. Водитель [vɐˈdʲitʲɪlʲ] - driver. Гид [ɡʲit] - guide. Переводчик [pʲɪrʲɪˈvot͡ɕːɪk] - translator, interpreter. Пилот [pʲɪˈlot] - pilot. Инструктор [ɪnˈstruktər] - coach, instructor, trainer. Don't forget to tell about your profession in comments #pronouns_easypeasyrussian

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