studyinfinland studyabroad studyineurope studyinaustralia studyinnewzealand studyinsingapore studyoverseas firstecinternational philippines pinoy proudphilippines proudpinoy studygrowsuccess studyinrussia finland tamk tampere filipino studyintampere successoverseas studentlife internationalbusiness tamk_uas bachelorsdegree tamk4sbs students internationalstudents visittampere capiz degreestudents exzellenzedutravel
Yayyyy! It's the end of the Spring semester!
Have fun with your summer time! ☀️☀️☀️
Let's see the messages from Michael Keaney, our senior lecturer to Metropolia's students
#mbslecturers #metropoliabiz #ouramazinglecturer #studyinfinland #studymotivation #studyinspiration #endofsemester
We are ready to hand out the little leaflet on higher education in Finland!
It contains the guideline for our activities and projects, and also a bite of info on higher education in Finland.
You can get it on our events or study abroad fairs! #studyinfinland #フィンランド留学 #フィンランド研究 #highereducation #studyabroad #euryugaku
During our exchange semester, we travel a lot all together ✈️ Tallinn, St.Petersburg, Copenhagen... We discover a lot! And guess what‘s todays plan: we‘ll go to Stockholm on a boat with 2000 other exchange students! #haagahelia #hhporvoocampus #studyinporvoo #studyinfinland #campusfamily #haagaheliaexch
Emission-free solar electricity is increasingly important globally − also on our campus!
We’ve doubled the number of solar panels on the Lappeenranta campus. The total capacity is now 508 kW.
The campus produces 7% of the electricity it consumes and has purchased electricity from renewable sources since 2014.
#unilut #landofthecurious #studyinfinland #greencampus