stumpwork embroidery broderie embroiderywork needlework crochet handicraft oyas whitework handmade handembroidery turkish embroideryart fiberart bordado handembroidered textileart stumpworkembroidery threadpainting embroidered goldwork needleart artetextil doraaraujo embroiderylove handembroiderywork modernembroidery needlepainting ricamo semprecirculo whiteworkembroidery
#embroidery #embroiderywork #embroideryart #embroideryhoop #silkembroidery #handcrafted #handmade #handembroidery #bordados #broiderie #tbthursday #butterfly #stumpwork #stumpworkembroidery #3dembroidery #needlepainting #needlepoint #threadpainting #tambourembroidery #chineseembroidery #silkembroidery #nature #art #hoop #deadleaf #decorart #homedecor #painting #embroideryinstaguild
#embroidery #embroiderywork #embroideryart #embroideryhoop #silkembroidery #handcrafted #handmade #handembroidery #bordados #broiderie #leave
#flowers #stumpwork #stumpworkembroidery #3dembroidery #needlepainting #needlepoint #threadpainting #tambourembroidery #chineseembroidery #silkembroidery #nature #art #hoop #lotus #decorart #homedecor #painting #embroideryinstaguild
I’m teaching this bluebell stumpwork class at the Royal School of Needlework in April. I picked out the most striking stitches to represent the technique when I designed it - woven for the flower and fluffy for the bumblebee. There are still a couple places left - book yours on the RSN website!
#stumpwork #embroidery #handembroidery #needlework #stitching
#handembroidered #embroiderylove #embroideryinstaguild #feelingstitchyig #needleart #embroiderersofinstagram #embroideryart #flowerembroidery #needlelace #royalschoolofneedlework #embroideryworkshop
독립입체자수 분홍장미, 리넨실로 수놓았어요. ⓒ소금빛, 염경숙
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New blog post! Another animal for my upcoming picture book. Link in profile. #salleybedbook #feltproject #handstitched #stitchedart #needleart #needleandthread #stitched #itsallinthedetails #embroiderywork #stumpworkembroidery #stumpwork #embroideryartistsoninstagram #embroidery #embroideryofinstagram #embroidered #handembroidered #handembroidery #handembroiderywork #feltbunny
Ladybug closeup ♥️ Happy Wednesday everyone! -
#embroidery #insectembroidery #embroideredladybug #embroideryart #embroiderydesign #embroideryhoop #hoopart #ladybird #seedbeads #dmcthreads #dmcfloss #dmc #dmcembroidery #needlepoint #embroiderersofinstagram #needlepainting #needleandthread #threadart #fiberart #threadpainting #modernembroidery #handembroidery #spotlightstores #embroideryinstaguild #embroiderpage_feature #em_hm #animalembroidery #beadembroidery #beadwork #stumpwork
The ready tail :)
It looks like it was in a water a moment ago and will disappear back the next second!
Рыбий хвостик закончен. Смотрится, будто только что выпрыгнул из воды и сейчас же юркнет обратно
#crafty #craft #handmade #fish #fishbrooch #eirateufel #embroidery #embroideryprocess #embroiderydesign #goldembroidery #embroidered #вышивкагладью #자수 #刺繍 #nicegirlneedleclub #bordados #stumpwork #textileart #embroidery #3dembroidery #stitchart #刺绣 #textileartist #sequins #пайетки #вышивка #вышитаяброшь #рыбка
Flower pots in our latest book A Passion for needlework volume 2. These 2 gorgeous little pots will be back in stock in the coming weeks. #inspirationsmagazine #inspirationsmagazineaustralia #inspirationsstudios #anamallah #stumpworkembroidery #stumpwork #flowers #hydrangea #rose #dmcembroidery #dmcthreads #anchorthreads #cosmothreads #cottagegardenthreads #threadworx #embroidery #embroideryart #needlework #handmadeembroidery #handembroidery #handembroidered