sunsha breaks bass estonia breakbeat drumandbass tallin neurofunk oldschool ibwt ladywaks htcu12plus dogeatdogrecords tallinn папа сын фото sport спорт dance sidog techfunk travel сила autumn boxing family friendship writingisfreedom
One down from this group, many to go
Sunny, you'll be missed
Kya pata shaadi ke baad mile na mile ♂
I never had fun in a group party like this before...there's always a first time for everything ❤
Thanks to @fufi_jeans @sunnyjagiasi
All about last night.....
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#sunnykishaadi❤ #djparty #neverhadthisfunbefore #indianmarriages #casualoutfit #dolphinclub #lovethiscompany #groomsmen #groomtobe #groomtobe #darklavender #cleanshave #2daystogo #sunsha
Ok, time for some really nice old school stuff from mainland China. These guys were pretty slow to get on the kung fu-train, but when they got going it resulted in some pretty interesting productions, like ’The Undaunted Wudang’ (Sun Sha, 1983), a movie that's also has aka-titles such as ’Wu Tang’ or ’Kung Fu Girl’.
Then what makes this movie stand out? Well its mainly two things, the wusha fight sequences and the gorgeous Chinese countryside. The use of real-life wusha champions (Zhao Changjun and the brilliant female fighter Lin Quan) in lead roles definitely makes this movie into something more than your usual Kung Fu-feature. To see these guys wild kicks and wireless flips with the ancient temples and great Wudang mountains in the background is just beautiful thing. This is backdrops Hong Kong filmmakers only could dream of, and even if wusha might be more of a ”performance art” than an effective fighting style it looks so good in the hands of masters like this.
Another cool thing is that this movie also delivers some pretty good insights on what the martial arts school Wudang and the Taoist philosophy actually is about, and that is something that's definitely not as popularized in cinema as the Shoalin counterpart. ☯️
Cool and underrated movie, I guess the transfer on this german dvd from Al!ve is the best we ever going to get.
#oldschoolkungfu #mainlandChina #TheUndauntedWudang #SunSha #WuTang #KungFuGirl #wusha #ZhaoChangjun #LinQuan #wudang #Taoism #kungfucinema #easternmoviedrifter #moviebuff #martialarts #wuxia
#Brexks #breaks breakssss! ⚡ #DeusExius #brexkstep #bassmusic #bassnbreaks #garagehouse #breakbeatdance #breakbeatelectro #fortheloveofgarage #techno #deeptechno #shuffling #shufflerepublic #guysthatshuffle #cuttingshapes #drumnbreaks #freestepdance #outselect #money #sunsha #malaysianshuffle #vegasstep #2018 #edm #insomniacevents #edclv #black #white #red