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Design and Size - 6. When both of Hugh Herr's legs were amputated below the knee after a horrific climbing accident on Mount Washington on 1982, he was told that he would never climb again. Determined to return to climbing and to surpass his past achievements, Herr, who studied biophysics after his accident and is now head of biomechatronics at MIT MediaLab, designed a bespoke set of prosthetic legs whose size could be varied to enable him to climb higher and faster in extreme conditions. As well as designing the legs whose length can be extended or contracted to suit specific terrain, Herr ensured that the feet are so small in size that they can support his body by fitting into the tiniest of holes in the rock face. He could not have developed his climbing legs without the technology available to him as a research scientist, but millions of other people have benefited from more efficient prostheses thanks to his work. Within a year, Herr had attained his goal of beating his past performances, and the fellow free climbers who had once pitied him were questioning whether he should be allowed to enter competitions with the unfair advantage of his super-flexible prosthetics. #design #prostheticdesign #hughherr #biomechatronics #freeclimbing #mitmedialab #superability
The flip side. All that work you're doing that no one sees still counts. All you did to get out of bed, or go into that room you didn't feel you belonged in, to raise your hand, raise your voice, to talk yourself off the ledge. It all counts. They don't give awards for it. But it all counts.
#mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #rehabilitation #disability #superability #accessibility
Photo credits: @kirbyplushie
Monster Flame Kirby is back, yo! He’s about to make things LIT
#nintendo #kirbysreturntodreamland #kirby #inktober2018 #inktober #fanart # #traditionalart #traditionalartwork #traditionaldrawing #nintendoart #igersnintendo #nintendolife #ninstagram #nintendofan #nin10do #任天堂 #星のカービィ #カービィ #可愛い #可愛い #kawaiii #kawaii #kawaiidesu # #SuperAbility #dragon #dragons # #
Have a nice day friends! ☀️Wish you all a wonderful mood!
Добрый день, друзья!Пока я сидела в любимом кафе и ждала своих вкусностей, придумала очередной вопрос для вас. рубрика "Интересные вопросы от Анны " вновь открыта..)) Так вот, наблюдала за людьми и размышляла, о чем думают они, наверняка у каждого из них есть свои проблемы, заботы, тайны и мечты... ❓❓❓и в тот же момент захотела приобрести суперспособность - уметь читать мысли, ✔️ ведь таким образом я бы себе облегчила жизнь,лучше узнавая окружающих меня людей и смогла бы тогда хоть чем-то помочь им... После кафешки, дома среди родных и знакомых устроила опрос : " Какую суперспособность хотели бы иметь вы?" , ответы были самые разные и интересные от " хочу видеть на дальние расстояния" , " телекинез ", "телепорт" , "увидеть будущее " , пусть к чему бы ни прикасался, стало едой ". .. и так далее... Мне интересны ваши ответы, друзья! Жду !!!
#dejavueeishere #dejavuee_stories #happyness #dejavuee_flowers#questionsandanswers #café #superability #stretphoto #вопросыответы #суперспособность #уличнаяфотосессия #кафе #dejavuee_look #dejavuee_armenia