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Веретено из бука, дуба, палисандра. Крутится очень долго. Эта форма очень красивая и всегда совершенное вращение.
#опорноеверетено #веретено #русскоеверетено #пряхиинстаграма #прядение #прядениепуха #прядениенаверетене #russianspindle #supportedspindle #handspinning #spinstagram #handspunyarn #spindlemaker #etsyseller #janebospin #janebospin_spindle #мастерклассыпопрядению
Разве можно было устоять? Нет, конечно Вот и связала овечку, описание можно купитьна Ravelry по названию Black Sheep White Sheep
How cute is this sheep, of course I couldn't resist to knit one! The pattern is by @susanbanderson available on Ravelry
#spindlespun #ibragim_sb
#самаспряласамавяжу #blacksheepwhitesheep #igspinners #supportedspindle
Learning. A plein-air spinning session to learn supported spindle spinning. I’m beginning to feel the hang of it. @josefinwaltin Is an inspiration with her beautiful videos allowing me to watch and observe her technique. Spindles are going with me to the ocean today (along with knitting and stitching @thesilverdapple ). I’m so looking forward to slow time with family by the ocean. #supportedspindlespinning #supportedspindle #russianspindle #spinnersofinstagram #igspinners #spinningyarn #wool #yarnmaker #peacefulwork #soothingart #spinforjoy
Once the wool is washed and dried, it’s time to start prepping and spinning it! (See previous post for washing)
First, you pick out any junk and fluff the wool as you go to open it up a bit.
Then, you card it. From what I understand, carders are relatively new. In the past, people only used combs. Now, carders are preferred.
Then you pick the carded wool sheet clean one more time before spinning it.
Here, the ladies are preparing sock yarn. If you’d like to learn more about sock knitting in the High Atlas, click the link in my bio.
Once the yarn is plied, it’s washed vigorously in cold, soapy water, rinsed until the water runs clear, and hung outside to dry. Under Max’s watchful gaze, of course.
#lovelywool #woolenthusiast #wool #moroccanwool #moroccanknitting #spindlespun #spindlespinning #spindlespinnersofig #handspunyarn #handspun #spindlespunyarn #supportedspindle #knittersofinstagram #moroccanyarn #textileart #textiletraditions
Singles spun on a supported spindle. Plying done on a turkish spindle.
2-ply (from plyingball) finished and washed. 62 grams.
Nm 11.4/2 (570 m per 100 grams)
Corridale from @wooltops
#spinning #spinna #slända #spindle #supportedspindle #stöddslända #handspun #handspunyarn #handspunnet #spinnersofinstagram #corriedale #spinstagram #igspinners #spin15aday
#turkishspindle #turkiskslända
#2ply #wooltops