sustainibility sustainablefashion ecofriendly gogreen sustainable vegan green nachhaltigkeit earth greenlife medioambiente nachhaltig nature values autosuficiencia awakness cambiodeparadigma climatechange conciencia consciousness economiacircular environment espiritualidad espiritualidade homeoffice meditacion modasostenible news conciousfashion
А что я один/одна могу сделать Если вы хоть раз в жизни делали полный разочарования вздох и задавались этим вопросом, то у меня есть для вас история.
Как многие знают, я отношусь к тем странным людям, которые не дают своим знакомым жить спокойно постоянными напоминаниями о вреде одноразовой посуды и рассказами о тоннах пластика в океане.
Так вот, представьте мой ужас, когда я переехала на очередную съёмную квартиру и не обнаружила баков для раздельного сбора отходов. Немного посомневавшись и отленившись, я всё же решила опробовать ресурс #115bel и отправила фотографию этого безобразия. На обращение ответили почти сразу и пообещали исправить ситуацию. И вот недавно выхожу я на улицу и вижу новенькие блестящие контейнеры! Счастью моему нет предела в общем. Так я это к чему. Стучите и вам откроют! Особенно если в вашем городе есть такие замечательные ресурсы, как Также я очень благодарна @ecoideaby и @habit_for_planet за постоянную информационную экоподдержку.
P.S.: Я была бы не я, если бы не заглянула через несколько дней в каждый из контейнеров. Сортируют!
#115бел #отходы #раздельныйсборотходов #экология #ecology #recycle #habitforplanet #ecoidea #цэр #минск #твоязаботаанеенота #цель99 #ecostart #ecolifestyle #sustainibility
Hello Instagram family! How is your Monday going?
I am here in France with my smoothie made from the fruits my mother gathered from the garden. There's truly nothing better than home grown berries and vegetables to kick start your day. I'm spending the day behind the computer getting much needed work done and preparing for #juneocean which will start in a few short days. If you guys remember from last year, this is my thirty ways in thirty days to help our oceans. I will provide one tip every day on how to save our seas and all the incredible wildlife within. We may not be able to completely turn the tide of plastic and pollution, however, together we can certainly try!
#vegangirl #veganinspo #sustainibility #supportlocal #beyondorganic #organic #homegrown #activecitizen #conservation #plasticpollution #ecofriendly #ecofriendlyliving #environmentalist #environmentallyfriendly #veganinspiration #adventuretravel
Where are all my fizz lovers at?!?!?! If you know me, you know that I’m obsessed with fizzies But you also know I’m super passionate about the environment And so every time I’d throw my fizz wrappers into the recycling, I knew all too well that the chances of them actually getting recycled was basically none. If I thought about it too much, it would make me sad, so I just blindly went on with my life. I know, I know...but we all just do our best right? Fast forward to GTC and our CEO telling us that the environment is one of Arbonne’s top 3 priorities. As he’s speaking and my heart is going pitter patter, I nearly broke down in tears (yes again) when he gave us the details of exactly what Arbonne will be doing for the environment. 50% plastic reduction by 2025. Zero waste by 2030. And he’s assured us these are conservative estimates and we’ll go faster if we can. And you guys...we’re partnering with @terracycle!!!! When he announced this, I think my vocal chords might have gone out as I was screaming so loud. For those of you who have yet to hear about this incredible company, they allow companies to partner with them and provide a platform to make sure that difficult to recycle packaging, actually gets properly recycled. You save up your packages and then send them to Terracycle and they take care of the rest. I am so proud that @arbonne will be partnering with them and have such an amazing vision for how we’re going to do our best by this planet. So to all my fizz lovers, start saving your wrappers!!! They haven’t announced the details yet of how it’ll work, but when they do, I’ll have a ton to send their way. And for everyone else, go check out what Terracycle is doing because chances are that you’re currently using many things that can be sent to them #madloveformotherearth #wecandobetter #thankyouarbonne
#Since Every Big Journey Begins With A Single Step,
Have Took My Step Towards Sustainability With @greensole
Greensole is a self-sustaining Social Venture,
which recycle discarded pairs to comfortable environment friendly footwear.
They also donate the footwear to the children in need.
At Greensole you just not transform your look but,
you also help to transform the world in a beautiful way by conserving environment.
Here you buy a pair to donate one!
Their work is appreciated by, Mr. Ratan Tata,
Mr. Barack Obama, Mr. Harbhajan Singh,
Vogue India, Forbes, DNA Newspaper and many more.♥
I'm truly happy to be a part of Greensole's lovely journey of protecting the mother earth!
I totally loved these stylish blue criss cross slippers from @greensole
Thefoodtick ✔ Highly Recommends This Amazing Footwear.
It Is Available On @amazondotin
Buy Your Favourite Pair Now!!!
Checkout My Bio For Greensole's Amazon Store
Naylon poşet kullanımının sonucunda ortaya çıkan görsel ve çevresel kirliliğin endişe edici boyutlara ulaşması ve geleceğimizi tehdit etmesi sebebiyle, Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı 1 Ocak 2019 tarihinde yürürlüğe giren Ambalaj Atıklarının Kontrolü Yönetmeliği'nde, alışveriş poşetlerinin kullanımını ücretli hale getirmişti. Buradaki temel amaç toplumdaki bilinci arttırmak ve plastik poşet kullanımının azaltılmasını sağlamaktı.
EGS & BİRLİK Ailesi olarak, çevre ile ilgili konularda her zaman olduğu gibi, bu konuda da hassasiyeti paylaşıyoruz. Bugüne kadar da başta Güneş Enerji Santrali yatırımımız olmak üzere birçok konuda çevreye duyarlı çalışmalarımızla toplumda öncü olmaya ve farkındalık yaratmaya çalıştık. En son “Çocuklarımızın Geleceğine Sahip Çıkıyoruz” teması ile bir araya gelen Çevre Kulübümüz de bunun önemli örneklerinden birisidir.
Bugün EGS & BİRLİK Yönetimi olarak bir öncü uygulamaya daha imza atıyoruz. Plastik poşet kullanımının azaltılmasına yönelik atılan adımları desteklemek, Ailemiz genelinde Çevre konusundaki bilinci daha yukarı çıkarmak ve aynı zamanda da tüm arkadaşlarımızın alışverişlerinde şirketimizin logosunu gururla taşımalarını sağlamak amacıyla herkese EGS & BİRLİK Ailemize özel olarak hazırlanmış olan bez alışveriş torbalarını dağıtıyoruz.
Bugün olduğu gibi bundan sonra da EGS & BİRLİK Ailesi olarak, çocuklarımıza yaşanabilir bir gelecek bırakmak açısından çok önemli gördüğümüz, çevre konusundaki çalışmalarımıza devam edeceğiz.
Tüm EGS & BİRLİK Ailemize de çevre konusundaki hassasiyetleri için teşekkür ederiz.
#çevre #çevrekirliliği #çocuklarımızıngeleceğiiçin #insanasaygılı #çevreyedost #sürdürülebilirlik #sürdürülebiliryaşam #environment #environmental #sustainable #sustainibility #edirne #doğa #doğayıkoru #doğayıkoruyalım
We proudly present - the foundation board has selected our six new stipendaries - #kevinkregar #congratulations #fundaziunuccelin #program #allovertheworld #chefs #frontofhouse #gastronomy #supportingyoungtalents #stiftung #doitwithpassionornotatall #craft #passion #sustainibility #nachhaltigkeit #jungetalente #ourfuture @andreas_caminada @sergioherman @granditstanja @christianbau @heinz_reitbauer @thomas_dorfer @franckgiovannini @massimobottura @prorestgastro @rolf_sachs @rolfmurner @virgiliocentral @rasmus_kofoed_ @johnbakerltd @donatsch @danielgantenbein @heiko_nieder #willischmid #holzenfleisch and many many more.... #andreascaminada
For all the Dreamers out there,
Le Marchand De Rêves is thrilled to announce his participation in @lemarchedepuces à Mar Mikhael.
A big clothing Booth introduces ✨Little HOPE-S/S 2019✨ a diverse bright-coloured collection reflecting the hope that remains in the corners of a city, #Beirut
The market will take place between the 27th of April and the 1st of May!
Photographer: @omarsfeir
Assistant Photographer: @firashaidar1
Stylist: Karma Hamed
#Freedomthroughfantasy #vintage #lovers #hope #dreams #City #Beirut #Sustainibility #Ecofriendly #Vintagelovers #Story #fashion #pink #blue #walls #Livelovebeirut #photography #market #lemarchedepuces