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Busy day today minding all the pooches - and this sweet Faith just donated blood! What a way to spend a Monday ♥️ #bloodtransfusion #blood #donateblood #veterinary #nurse #vetnurse #veterinarynurse #vettech #veterinarytech #veterinarytechnician #whatvnsdo #anaesthesia #anesthesia #funaesthesia #RVN #VN #SVN #anursethesia
I am not endorsed nor sponsored by any brands/companies/products mentioned or seen in the background of my posts. All opinions are my own and are not a reflection of my place/s of employment. Always consult your veterinary surgeon first.
Trying to Restart from 6kBecause I got botted
I never thought that this would be possible for meI just started flipping 2 years ago and now WTF is going on1 2 4 In KaboomsTysm for pushing me @maannuflips More Insane sessions coming soon....| PLS give this a Shoutout this Trick was just to Insane. Session with @maannuflips @peter.tumbles @niklas_37_ @pilfis_flips #flippingfeed #flipp #flipping #flippinguniverse #svn #trampolin
Repost from @veterinaryanursethesia
Christmas On-Call Dream Team We’ve done cases for the neurology, ophthalmology and soft tissue services today! #funaesthesia #veterinary #nurse #vetnurse #veterinarynurse #vettech #veterinarytech #veterinarytechnician #whatvnsdo #anaesthesia #anesthesia #funaesthesia #RVN #VN #SVN #anursethesia
Bom dia vaqueirama testada ❤
#vaquejada #euapoioavaquejada #mulher #haras #horse #equinos #girl #svn #brutas #vaqueira #mandaboi #nelore #roça #sertaonordestino #capaloka #brutasistematica #vaquejadas #boiada #vaqueiramoda #tchaubrigado #cavalo #abqmoficial #vaquejadalegal #diferentenaoestranho #valeuboi #vidadegado #quartodemilhabrasil