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Sony LBT-D305K
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: #VintageTapedeck
(Stereo Cassette Deck)
Deluxe Dolbyized Stereo Cassette Deck
Closed-Loop Dual Capstan, Auto Shut Off
"F&F" Ferrite & Ferrite Head
From early 1970's
Dimensions : 400 x 130 x 275 mm
Weight : 6.8kg
Home of Record Players
Before we move on: the chunky future-according-to-1996 of the previous post whirring through its full range of motion. I'd actually posted an in-car clip of the Supra's one in action back in May, but this time the extra extension (two positions further away from the dash for more upwards tilt) and passenger-tastic 90degree swivel make an appearance. Ooh, aaaah! What's genuinely impressive here is that although it's been opened enough times over the decades to have worn half the Toyota logo off the top corner of the screen, it still seemingly motors in an out without fuss. Pleasant quality from the same manufacturer as many of the old Toyota radios I've salvaged from the wreckers over the years; a company better (and now) known as Panasonic... #matsushitacommunicationindustrialco #matsushitaelectricindustrialco #panasonic #toyotagenuineparts #toyotagenuineaccessories #toyota #teq #トヨタ #90shero #jza80 #tvn3120 #tvt3120 #nvnv10 #vintageaudio #vintagestereo #oldschoolaudio #vintagecaraudio #oldschoolcaraudio #caraudio #cassette #tape #cassetteplayer #cassettedeck #tapedeck #classictoyota #oldschooltoyota #radwood #japanesenostalgiccar #1996
Jump Back: The best of the Rolling Stones 1971-1993 #rollingstones #thebestoftherollingstones #jumpbackthebestoftherollingstones #cassetteoftheday #instacassette #cassettegram #casette #casettes #cassetteporn #cassetteaddict #cassettecommunity #tape #tapes #cassettedeck #tapedeck #marantz5010 #instahifi #vintagehifi #vintageaudio #therollingstones #therollingstonesfans #therollingstonesband #thebestofrollingstones #rollingstonesband #mickjagger
The Kenwood "Spectrum" setup operating in all its late-80s glory. Each component selected from ~30 pieces in the same product family (..four different CD Players, three levels of cassette decks and so on..) that you'd assemble together in the musical-pick-and-match fashion that was somewhat a key part of this component stereo era; this lot - apart from the stingy single-disc CD unit - interestingly almost as-is pictured on the front of the 1988 Australian brochure: KM-207 Main Power Amplifier, KC-207 Stereo Control Amplifier, KT-57 Tuner, KX-77CW Double Cassette Deck and a DP-47 (instead of the DP-M107R) Compact Disc Player. As I joked about in the previous post, it's that flashy spectrum-analyser-equipped 'Stereo Control Amplifier' that I painfully swapped out for the Yamaha receiver (which I then oddly continue to run the Kenwood's tuner into for the sake of keeping the electronic presets!) The sound from it was fine, the spectrum analyser pretty, and the remote handy; but the wildest part on this one for me being the 'Motorised Volume Control'. I hadn't seen anything like it. Now that's no doubt due to what's only a casual interest in audio/electronics, but I was impressed. I kid you not, I'd legitimately wondered about this very detail within seconds of turning the unit on. What the hell am I talking about? Well essentially the spinning volume control knob has a small LED light to indicate the volume it's set to, yet there's also volume control via the remote. I just assumed the remote would have to over-ride the stereo's volume, leaving the main control knob on the unit itself out of whack. "Oh, that's silly; they should've left that light off the.." *changes volume using remote, only to see the knob itself turn to match* "....oooohhhhhhhhhh!!!" Yeah, it's driven to match. What unnecessary complexity. Awesome... #kenwood #kenwoodstereo #Kenwoodspectrum #km207 #kc207 #kt57 #kx77cw #dp47 #motorisedvolumecontrol #componentstereo #hifi #highfidelity #homestereo #homeaudio #stereo #componentsystem #componentsetup #vintageaudio #vintagestereo #oldschoolaudio #tapedeck #cassette #cassettedeck #graphicequalizer #spectrumanalyser #compactdisc #1980s #1988