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Looking my only competition and “body goals” in the eyes. Stop relying so much on other people to get you motivated or inspired. You should be fully committed to your goals without relying on anyone else to get you going. This applies to the the gym and in your every day life. No one is going to do the work for you. That’s solely up to you. We have work to do
You’ll reach your full potential when you learn how to stay in your own lane instead of merging into others. Don’t be fooled or swayed by the things you see from other people. You have no idea what they’re actually enduring on a daily basis. Be the best version of yourself and things will happen in your favor. We still have a lot of work to do.
About last night...
Gym seshes with the wifey [ @mir_random ] are my fav. Always so much harder to focus though because I’m constantly staring at her and drooling on myself. 10 weeks out. Fueled by @supremesportsnutrition1 ❤️❤️
#aboutlastnight #swolemate #couplesprep #10weeksout #sickforaweek #gains #veins #quads #legs #chesticles #fitness #fitnessmotivation #fitcouple #supportmilitarymuscle #tattedmilitary #teamperry #teamsupreme #leggo #anotherone