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#thaibangkaew #thaibangkaewdog #dogstagram #thaibangkaewdoginrussia #doglover #thaibangkaewdogs #doglovers #thaibangkaewrussia #тайскийбангкаевдог #тайскийбангкаевдогкраснодар #тайскийбангкео #щенки #щенкинапродажу #furfriends #ilovemydogs #rarebreed #dogsthathike #hikingdog #ilovemydog #питомник #редкаяпорода #собакироссии #тайскаякрасота #тайскийбангкаевдогвроссии #тайскийбангкаевдогкрымск #тайскийбангкаевдогщенки #dogsofinstagram #thaidog

Хештеги которые включают в себя хештег #THAIBANGKAEW
#thaibangkaew #thaibangkaewdog #thaibangkaewdogs #thaibangkaewxgermanshepherd #thaibangkaewpuppy #thaibangkaewdoginrussia #thaibangkaewrussia #thaibangkaewmix #bangkaewthailand #thaibangkaewdogrussia #bangkaewthai #thaibangkaewdogpuppy #thaibangkaewdogkrymsk #bangkaewdogthailand #thaibangkaewdogforsale #thaibangkaewclub #thaibangkaewddog #thaibangkaewofnyc #thaibangkaewthai #thaibangkaewdogmix #thaibangkaews #thaibangkaewdogbreed #thaibangkaewdogforever

Хештеги на тему #THAIBANGKAEW

Six months young today Happy (birthday?) Kenta! Stay wild, my little child. #thaibangkaew #thaibangkaewdog #intheusa #raredog #dirtydog #gooddog #sometimesbaddog #smartdog #alwayscutedog #notapomsky

Хештеги на тему #THAIBANGKAEW

Sharing a story (of what not to do in a multiple pooch household). ❌ #longpostalert Since I’ve not personally experienced it myself, I can only imagine the struggle of being the middle child. I got Kenta in March as a beloved second dog, cute as a button, at 4 months of age. I was very intrigued by the Thai bangkaew dog breed, but first and foremost sought him out as a matched play mate for Luka, my separation anxiety-ridden beloved yet stupid challenging first dog. Both Thais are primitive breeds that tend to understand each other better and fare better vs. other pairings. After months of coordination and hunting for the perfect pup, I found this guy. Luckily the two ended up being perfect complements to each other, and fed off each others’ good habits (most of the time). Provided solid company and became bonded. As a result of this, I always brought them everywhere together... aaaaaand as a result of that, I spent little to no solo time with Kenta without Luka being around. This would come to bite me in the behind when Kenta reached 6 months of age, phased into a rebellious and stubborn teen, all on top of dealing with a new puppy that came along. Over the past 3 months, this little dude has given me a ton of trouble, a lot of attitude and just a few kisses to make up for it. ☹️ But only lately did I come to realize the importance of spending time alone with him. For the past two weeks, I’d dedicated myself to giving Kenta the same solo time, training, and sweet lovin’ I gave to Luka for 11 whole months when she was still an only child. And boy has it paid off!!! Happy to report that K is pretty much back to his obedient and smart self, with little gaps in kiddy behavior here and there. But that’s just his personality. Still a long way to go but with this kind of turn around, I’m confident he’ll bounce right back to be as great a dog as he looks tldr; treat ur dogs equally or u will ragret it #todays #mcm #goesto #Kenta the #thaibangkaew #dog #rebellious #butstillcute #nowstopbeingabrat

Хештеги на тему #THAIBANGKAEW

Watching the weekend go by like... 9 days in the states with this perky lil dude and the fun is just beginning! #thaibangkaew #selfiesunday #puppiesofinstagram

Хештеги на тему #THAIBANGKAEW

Are you hungry? Hehehe #dogs #doglove #doglover #doglovers #dogstagram #ワンコ #ワンコなしでは生きて行けません会 #犬 #いぬ #いぬバカ部 #รักหมา #สุนัข #thaibangkaew #thailand

Хештеги на тему #THAIBANGKAEW

Truth is, it’s pretty tough to take good photos of this guy from far away because the moment that I get on his level to do so, he comes running to lick my face. Kenta the one year old Thai Bangkaew dog. #thaibangkaew #thaibangkaewdog #primitivebreed #dumpster

Хештеги на тему #THAIBANGKAEW

Знакомьтесь). Единственный в регионе тайский бангкэв Вонграт, для своих Ваня). Иван у нас всеобщий любимец. Он страшно гордится своей принадлежностью к экзотике и ведет себя соответствующе). А как вы относитесь к редким породам?) • • • • • • • • • • #уиппетхолл #хендлерекатеринбург #хендлер #екатеринбург #выставка #чемпион #тайскийбангкео #тайскийбангкаевдог #тайскийбанкео #бангкэу #whippethall #handler #champion #dogshow #dog #instadog #dogsofinstagram #ekaterinburg #yekaterinburg #thaibangkaewdog #thaibangkaew #bangkaew #bangkaewdog

Хештеги на тему #THAIBANGKAEW

And then there were ✌️... This weekend has been a special one. Everyone please meet Kenta, my male 4 month old Thai bangkaew dog! This cutie ventured all the way from Phitsanulok, Thailand ✈️ to SFO, CA last Friday, and it has been nonstop fun for Luka and myself all through the weekend. Today is day 3 at home and this smart dude already knows sit, down, and to loose leash heel. He’s friendly, confident, cute as hell and already loves me The breed was rumored to have came about from the direct cross between a domestic Thai bitch and the now-extinct Asian jackal. They are a primitive breed, home guardians, snake killers and also loyal companions that are very rarely found outside of Thailand. Thank you Uthen Pholbun of Bankrilada Kennels for entrusting me with this amazing pup! I’m excited and humbled to be able to grow up one of the few (if not the only) Thai bangkaew dogs in the USA. @uthen_pholbun #thaibangkaewdog #thaibangkaew #bangkaewdog #thaidog #puppy #selfiesunday #cute #boy #dogsofinstagram #rarebreed #raredog #gonnacreateanewig #withthehandle #thaidogdreamteam

Хештеги на тему #THAIBANGKAEW

+= birthday vibes @amykashmoney

Хештеги на тему #THAIBANGKAEW

As @iloveauntjemima said, this week ended with some much needed mental and emotional healing. Thank you @chrisssssssstopher for the and giving me the opportunity to meet your adorable floof - Kenta (#thaibangkaew) This past week really challenged me to my core. Upon hearing the news about the death of my high school friend, balancing my school & internship work became overwhelming and difficult. I didn't know how to react or feel; I didn't know if it was right for me to cry and grieve over someone who I wasn't personally close with. The ambivalence was so real. But remembering the strong bonds I built in high school band reminded me that no matter what walks of life we all take, we were once a family, and always will be. Cliché, I know. Processing this grief and loss is such a powerful and unique experience. I am so grateful for the friends who lent me their shoulders to cry on, who checked up on me this week, and for those who shared this experience with me . . /reflection

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