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Nadie se salva a sí mismo.
Esto quería expresar con este díptico que dibujé (gouache y acuarela sobre papel) en 2005/2006 (propiedad de @p.luque.p). En un lado, el Barón de Münchhausen sacándose a sí mismo de la ciénaga; en el otro, Jesús salvando a Pedro de morir ahogado.
He rescatado este díptico a raíz de una conversación que hemos tenido esta mañana unos amigos acerca de la libertad, la dependencia y las relaciones humanas. Podemos vivir solos? Somos capaces de sostenernos sin ayuda de otros? Necesitamos ser liberados externamente de nuestro mal, como Pedro, o podemos gestionarlo aisladamente, como el Barón de Münchhausen?
En cierto momento @ar.mando241 trajo a colación la siguiente cita de “Las aventuras del Barón de Münchhausen”, que me ha traído a la memoria el díptico que dibujé hace tantos años: "Un día, galopando por los frondosos bosques de Münchhausen, traté de saltar con mi caballo sobre una ciénaga que encontré en mi camino. En medio del salto descubrí que ésta era más ancha de lo que yo pensaba, por lo que, suspendido en el aire, decidí volver atrás para saltar de nuevo, tomando mayor impulso. Así lo hice, pero también en el segundo intento el salto fue demasiado corto y no pude evitar caer con el caballo no lejos de la otra orilla, hundiéndome hasta el cuello en la ciénaga. Sin ningún árbol ni rama alguna a la que asirme, caballo y yo hubiéramos muerto irremisiblemente de no haber sido porque, recurriendo a toda la fuerza de mi brazo, así con él mi coleta y tiré con toda mi energía hacia arriba, pudiendo de esta forma salir de la ciénaga con mi caballo, al que también conseguí sacar apretándolo fuertemente entre mis rodillas hasta alcanzar la otra orilla"
Un comentario al respecto muy enriquecedor se encuentra en el prólogo del libro de Ratzinger, “Introducción al Cristianismo”. #barondemünchhausen #baronmunchausen #münchhausen #theadventuresofbaronmunchausen #pedro #jesus #agua #water #mar #sea #gouache #acuarela
"The older you get, the more you find yourself looking for things you used to see and liked when you were younger." Happy Belated 72nd Birthday to Jonathan Pryce! #jonathanpryce #june1 #happybirthday #happybirthdayjonathanpryce #brazilmovie #jumpingjackflash #theadventuresofbaronmunchausen #glengarryglenross #theageofinnocence #evita #tomorrowneverdies #roninmovie #piratesofthecaribbean #gameofthrones #taboofx
TITLE: The Man Who Killed Don Quixote
I have been waiting to see #TheManWhoKilledDonQuixote for a while, but perhaps not as long as director #TerryGilliam, who has been trying to make it for decades.
The stories behind this movie truly are fascinating, what with a flood crashing the set at one point, and now, after over 30 years, Gilliam has brought us TMWKDQ (I ain’t typing that out again). So, how is it? Well, that depends on who you are. I am a Gilliam believer. I love the visual panache and humor of his best work (#TheFisherKing, #12Monkeys, #TheAdventuresofBaronMunchausen, #TimeBandits, #Brazil), and the way that he’s never afraid to go too weird. Hence why I went for TMWKDQ, which is messy, yes. But... for us Gilliam devotees (I openly enjoyed #TheBrothersGrimm), it does the trick.
The premise is so good, you can see why Gilliam strived to make this thing for so long. It makes for a great comedic showcase for its two leads (#JohnnyDepp was initially in it). Lucky for Gilliam, he has chosen wisely.
It’s a close call, but #AdamDriver is the best part of this film. Driver gives a perfect performance as Toby, a whiny filmmaker who is taken on an odyssey that he oh-so doesn’t want to go on. Driver’s comic timing here is remarkable. Right behind him is #JonathanPryce, who goes all in as a townsfolk who is convinced that he is Don Quixote.
The first half is wonderfully funny and nutty, worthy of Gilliam’s finest work, reminiscent of #MontyPython. It’s the second half where, I assume, the division comes. The second half is pretty out there. It nearly loses its way, and it nearly lost me. But having said that, Gilliam has given us this kind of weird stuff before. So I went along with it, for all it’s messy, trippy glory.
TMWKDQ is somewhat of a bumpy rides. I give it a thumbs up, but the second act might not be for non-believers.
One of my absolute favorite movies of all time. “OPEN THE GATES!” ❤️✨
#baronmunchausen #munchausen #movie #terrygilliam #johnneville #sarahpolley #film #80s #80smovie #still #filmstills #umathurman #ericidle #montypython #filmphotography #films #longlivethebaron #fantasy #fantasyfridays #fantasyfilm #dreamers #theadventuresofbaronmunchausen
È una delle icone del cinema postmoderno, ispiratrice di autori come Terry Gilliam, Quentin Tarantino e Lars von Trier. Buon compleanno, Uma!
#umathurman #pulpfiction #miawallace #killbill #beatrixkiddo #lasposa #quentintarantino #terrygilliam #theadventuresofbaronmunchausen #larsvontrier #nymphomaniac #thehousethatjackbuilt #lacasadijack #actress #attrice #star #hollywood #movie #movies #birthday #1977magazine
#recovery #feels like this. No one will #save you. You have to save yourself. Just like Baron of Munchausen pulling himself up from his hair. #theadventuresofbaronmunchausen #terrygilliam #depression #livingwithanxiety #saveyourself #recovery #ericidle #johnneville #movie #scene #justbreathe #loveyourself #mindfulness #fantasy #baronofmunchausen #childhoodmemories #optimism #seeingthingsdifferently #icandothis #strong
The Adventures of Baron Munchausen-Le Avventure del Barone di Munchausen (1988) #terrygilliam #johnneville #umathurman #film #filmlover #filmaddict #filmquotes #filmscene #filmphoto #cinematography #cinema #cinemania #movie #movies #movielover #movieaddict #moviequotes #guessthemovie #moviephoto #moviescene #movietime #cult #cultmovie #cultfilm #films #movies #quote #quotes #theadventuresofbaronmunchausen
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