thebonded humantrafficjam freedomforall humantrafficking moderndayslavery humanrights notforsale raiseawareness stophumantrafficking formyheart stopmoderndayslavery victorylap
Un premio inesperado gracias a todas las parsonas que estan atras de este premio que dia con dia me recuerdan que si se puede, a las personas que han confiado en mi , mi hermano @antwanramos y mi mama hermosa a #thebonded #8bros #armada que tanto los quiero y admiro wow enserio aun no lo creo gracias @karlamtzn y Normita gracias a mi diosito. #soytec #soytresonce
It's not all sex slavery. Many people who are trafficked wind up performing domestic labor, some have organs removed and others still wind up in industrial professions that offer little good for them.
The Bonded is a student-run social media campaign aimed at spreading awareness for human trafficking. Please share our message with your friends and family by tagging them on our posts and using hashtags such as #thebonded and #humantrafficjam
#thebonded #humantrafficjam #humantrafficking #raiseawareness #moderndayslavery #stopslavery #freedomforall #notforsale #humanrights
It is a commonly held belief that when the Atlantic slave trade was abolished, slavery was too. This couldn't be further from the truth, and today, there are more people enslaved than at any other point in history.
The Bonded is a student-led social media campaign aimed at raising awareness for human trafficking. Please help spread our message by sharing our page with friends and family and using hashtags such as #thebonded and #humantrafficjam
#thebonded #humantrafficjam #humantrafficking #moderndayslavery #freedomforall #notforsale #raiseawareness #stophumantrafficking
Reposting from @a21 because it is so important to understand the magnitude of this problem and to keep relaying the fact that people are not for sale.
The Bonded is a student-led social media campaign with a goal to raise awareness for human trafficking. Please spread our message by sharing this page with your friends and family and using hashtags such as #thebonded and #humantrafficjam
#thebonded #humantrafficjam #humanrights #notforsale #freedomforall #moderndayslavery #raiseawareness #humantrafficking