thehealing poetry poems poemsofinstagram poemsabouthim poemsaboutlife poemsaboutlove poemsaboutmyself poemsaboutpain poemsporn_ poets thepoet milkandhoney rupikaur southafrica bcuc bookstagram thehurting theloving bantucontinuauhuruconsciousness healing illcordezui love loveis soweto sthlm stockholm thebreaking africa beauty afrima2018_souhilabenlachhab
The greatest investment you will ever make is the one you make on yourself. Your inner landscape changes your external landscape. If you are fighting yourself you will fight all those around you. What you embody you will attract into your life. Do You. ✨ .
#followyourintuition #trustyourintuition #intuition #spiritualjourney #healingenergy #selfawareness #higherawakening #healyourself #innerwisdom #innerguidance #innerpeace #energyhealer #energyworker #divineguidance #divinetiming #spiritualawakening #innertruth #truthseeker #higherconsciousness #lightworker #lightworkers #traumahealing #quotesofinstagram #souljourney #selfimprovement #selfdevelopment #retreats #thehealing
Look at God. God is good all the time. When you look at the journey you can see the power of the most high at work. Remember we can't do anything by ourselves. Be still and know that I am God. Salah.. follow @thehealingcontinues #godisincontrol #thehealingcontinues #cancerwillnotwin #thehealing #feluké #felukemusic #insight
My idea of a science experiment is trying to get to (and stay) asleep when I'm at home. Does anyone else struggle with sleep? Here's something so weird (please tell me I'm not the only one)... I actually sleep REALLY well when we're travelling but at home, it's an ongoing battle. I've self-diagnosed that to mean that my real problem is my brain's inability to shut off and I find myself in a perpetual state of ideas and concepts.
I have no idea why this only happens at home (open to your thoughts on this one) and I've gone to a great many lengths to fix that issue naturally.
So, when a friend (thanks Jules) reached out and told me about @orangenaturals , I was pumped to give some of their products a try.
This lemon balm tincture has a myriad of benefits but, most important to me and my life are: Promotes a restful sleep
Supports relaxation
Supports Cognitiive Function (amen) & Memory (double amen)
Supports reduction of mental stress #partner .
#orangenaturals #lemonbalmkeepsyoucalm #canadianblogger #halifaxblogger #curatedlife #lifestyleblogger #petitejoys #canada #ohcanada #holistichealth #naturalhealth #canadianmade #canadianmade #naturalremedies #selfcare #healthylifestyle #sleep #sleepaid #holisticnutrition #mindbodygram #foodasmedicine #thefeedfeed #foodie #healthyliving #buzzfeedfood #thehealing
Gracias primo por tu amor y tu cariño @anothermusician en este momento tan fuerte para mi. .
Ale y yo nos considerábamos melómanos y escuchar esta canción de Gary Clark Jr #Thehealing me hace recordarlo tanto. .
Gracias por tu dedicatoria, te quiero muchísimo, gracias por ayudarme a sanar a través de la música.