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THE PROTECTOR FAMILY here another little teaser and the movie will be released on February 28th (soon we’ll get the official trailer) I’m going to watch it on repeat. I won’t stop saying how much I love Diarmaid and Emma as Jake and Cami,they are perfect. ❤️ [ @jodi_ellen_malpas @passionflix @toscamusk @diarmaidmurtagh #theprotector #theprotectormovie #jodiellenmalpas #emmarigby #diarmaidmurtagh #passionflix #toscamusk ]
Celebrating, watching, laughing, meeting, sharing. ❤️ .
The Protector premiere was an outstanding event. I’m so glad I had the opportunity to share it was so many of you. Thank you for watching ❤️
@passionflix @jodi_ellen_malpas #theprotectormovie .
Style @abechavezstyle
Make up @daniguinsbergmua
Hair @alexszabohair