thestereoshopmobile greensburgpa carelectronics pittsburgh pittsburghcars caraudio caraudioinstallation downtowngreensburg greensburg audiophile westmorelandcounty carinstall westernpa pghcarscene steelcity carstereo basshead woofer yinzer jlaudio uberpittsburgh audison latrobepa pennsylvania amplifier pittsburghjeepclub alpineaudio pittsburgh
Got the Kenwood dnx875s hooked up today! One hell of a HU!
#thestereoshopmobile #kenwood #kenwoodaudio #dnx875s #audio #music #tunes #subaru #subaruwrx #subibros #subienation #subiedaily #subiflow #subiegang #perrin #grimmspeed #iagperformance #prlmotorsports #boomba #performance #subarulove #subaruambassador #subaruofamerica
Dodge Viper SRT 10 came in for 9” halo @audison_official Voce’ components up front & a @jlaudioinc 6” W3 sub in factory locations. Powered by JL Audio HD900/5 #thestereoshopmobile #carstereo #carelectronics #subwoofer #jlaudiow3 #audison #jlaudio #carinstall #caraudiofab #caraudioinstallation #greensburgpa #latrobepa #murrysvillepa #pittsburgh #pittsburghcarscene #pittsburghsteelers #audiophile #siriusxm #backupcamera #dodgeviper #dodge #vipersrt10 #sewickley #homesteadpa #murrysvillepa #murrysville #irwinpa #northhuntingdontownship #wpxi
But does your shop have THIS?! Thank your to @jlaudioinc for this signed TW1 by Lucio Proni, Jim Birch, Andy Oxenhorn, and the fourth signature is...idk, @jlaudioinc help us out #jlaudio #tw1 #subwoofers #woofers #jlsubwoofers #thestereoshopmobile #carelectronics #caraudioinstallation #caraudio #carstereo #carinstall #greensburg #greensburgpa #downtowngreensburg #pittsburgh #pittsburghcars #pghcarscene #westernpa #westmorelandcounty #724 #audiophile #steelcity #412 #yinzer #basshead #woofer #uberpittsburgh
Throwback Install - 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT: Hifonics Brutus 3000w amplifier, using an audio control epicenter to get signal from the factory Harmon Kardon audio system with a pair of x series Sundown subs in a box color matched to the vehicle Who else thinks things look more sharp when the colors match? #thestereoshopmobile #carelectronics #caraudioinstallation #caraudio #carstereo #carinstall #greensburg #greensburgpa #downtowngreensburg #pittsburgh #pittsburghcars #pghcarscene #westernpa #westmorelandcounty #724 #audiophile #steelcity #412 #yinzer #basshead #woofer #uberpittsburgh #jeep #jeepgrandcherokee #jeepsrt #jeepsrt8club #jeepgrandcherokeesrt #pittsburghjeepclub #pittsburghjeep TAG YOURSELF IF YOU SEE YOUR VEHICLE
2016 Jeep Wrangler:
Sundown SA12’s in a porter enclosure powered by Hifonics Zeus 1700watt amplifier and the front interior speakers are Pioneer 6.5” components. The speakers are powered by a Hifonics Zeus 4channel. Amp bottoms were replaced with clear acrylic and blue LEDs. There’s also a second Kinetik battery. Enough power to still be loud with the top down (Not pictured:Pioneer touchscreen) #thestereoshopmobile #carelectronics #caraudioinstallation #caraudio #carstereo #carinstall #greensburg #greensburgpa #downtowngreensburg #pittsburgh #pittsburghcars #pghcarscene #westernpa #westmorelandcounty #724 #audiophile #steelcity #412 #yinzer #basshead #woofer #uberpittsburgh #jeepwrangler #2016jeepwrangler #2016wrangler #pittsburghjeepclub #hifonics #hifonicsaudio #hifonicszeus #sundownaudio TAG YOUR VEHICLE
We’re proud to say that we’re one of the only shops that will tune your equipment after installation. Who doesn’t want to get the most out of their new system?! Next slides: Before (another shop) & After (Dan the man works his magic✨) #thestereoshopmobile #carelectronics #caraudioinstallation #caraudio #carstereo #carinstall #greensburg #greensburgpa #downtowngreensburg #pittsburgh #pittsburghcars #pghcarscene #westernpa #westmorelandcounty #724 #audiophile #steelcity #412 #yinzer #basshead #woofer
Hey everyone screenshot this post, show us at the shop, and you’ll receive 10% off your installation all of May...ON TOP of 25% off all equipment storewide. Book your appointment now to get your ride ready for your next road trip, car show, or gift for Mother’s Day.
#thestereoshopmobile #carelectronics #caraudioinstallation #caraudio #carstereo #carinstall #greensburg #greensburgpa #downtowngreensburg #pittsburgh #pittsburghcars #pghcarscene #westernpa #westmorelandcounty #724 #audiophile #steelcity #412 #yinzer #basshead #woofer #uberpittsburgh
The store is coming together guys! Come see what we have on display and test out some of our products on the display board!
#thestereoshopmobile #greensburgpa #downtowngreensburgpa #carstereo #carelectronics #alpineaudio #subwoofer #sonyaudio #jlaudio #speakers #headunit #hertzaudio #amplifier #spl #dsp #carinstall #caraudio @alpineusa
Custom pillars by owner and installer,Dan, in a 2017 Honda Accord
#thestereoshopmobile #carstereo #caraudioinstallation #tweeters #focalaudio
@focalofficial #custompillars #pittsburghcars #pittsburgh #audiophile #customcaraudio #honda #hondaaccord #carelectronics #caraudioinstallation #caraudio #carstereo #carinstall #greensburg #greensburgpa #downtowngreensburg #pittsburgh #pittsburghcars #pghcarscene #westernpa #westmorelandcounty #724 #audiophile #steelcity #412 #yinzer #basshead #woofer #uberpittsburgh
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