предназначенныесудьбой thewavesoflife barrykugimiya funny kluencheewit lakorn love nadechyaya poem thailand thecrownprincess urassayas волныжизни дорама дорамы лакорн лакорны любовь любовьпобеждаетзло отненавистидолюбви сердцеаккани урассаяспербунд чьяэтоземля яя яяурассая сериал стихи asya_0804 2019btsfesta beachlife taylanddizi
Because today was a pretty awesome day. ☕️☀️Waking up with a grateful heart and a purpose. Thankful for another beautiful day of life on this Island of Enchantment. ❤️ Living with a purpose: Plan out your day/week/month/year with whatever goals or purposes you wish to fulfill. Track your progress. Nothing better than the feeling of accomplishment. Continuing to enjoy the opportunities each day has to offer. .
#thewavesoflife #passion#purpose #love #gratitude #greatness #hereandnow #accomplish #grace #oceanpark #puertorico #taurusrising #taurussun #cancermoon #sunset #oceanwaves #olympicstatus #riseup : @stephanies_destiny @lightworkerslounge .
Remember that you have the capacity to surprise yourself with what you are able to endure, create, dream, and learn. Live each day to the fullest!
Are you desperate or determined?
With desperation comes frustration. With determination comes purpose, achievement, and peace.
I’ve been working hard on a very special project for @brandoyelavichexplorer which I am DETERMINED to finish by tomorrow so he can take it on his journey across Australia later this month.... talk about determined. Stay tuned to see the final product... I’m pretty excited about it.
#JamesAMurphy #thewavesofLife
Being in nature in comfy clothes is when I feel most at peace. There’s something about the ocean that moves me at my core. A special thank you to @shadyrays for these amazing new sunnies They’re my new favorite! Looking out at the ocean from Torrey Pines today reminded me of my deployments in the Navy. I can’t remember a single time that life out at sea and all that came with it couldn’t be made right sized by staring at the horizon and feeling the waves crash beneath the ship. Perspective is everything.
#nature #thewavesoflife #livehard #shadyrays #hooyahnavy #merica #oceanwaves #californiadreaming #sunglasses #livefree #dreambig #everythingistemporary #loveyourself
Glynnes @comicbookhideout looks #gorgeous in our new "Get Kraken!" #dress. #MUAH by @janelle_ferrara #fashionphotography by #savyrose #squid #pirateship #theverybeststuff #sea #ootd #rockabilly #pinup #iamthecaptainofmyownship I will not let #thewavesoflife #drown me. #fierceandfabulous #roadkillranch #kraken #readingissexy #tvwardrobe #stylist
Do you ship them ?
For me they are love
One minute I will post the video
Plz Gay's keeps supporting me @urassayas♥@keaw_jung
_____________ #ลิขิตรักTheCrownPrincess #волныжизни
#урассаяспербунд #barrykugimiya#предназначенныесудьбой #nadechyaya#kluencheewit #thewavesoflife #лакорн #дорама#сериал #urassayas #ลิขิตรัก #предназначенныесудьбой #сердцеаккани #чьяэтоземля#любовьпобеждаетзло #отненавистидолюбви#любовь #лакорны #дорамы #яяурасса