thomasnickell classicalmusic beethoven190 oistrakhsymphony concert lifeofafreelancer piano carnegiehall jeyeldi lacittadeisuoni coroftomassini crua orchestrafiatiancona chicago logancenter pianist schnittke annualabcgala bach destinazionemarche jsbach mendelssohn operasinger orchestra steinwayandsons thingstodoinchicago viviamolemarche alexanderbuonointl sfjazz
Yesterday I had the privilege of seeing 19-year-old piano phenom Thomas Nickell and the Oristrakh Symphony of Chicago at Carngie Hall at a kick-off for the awesome Sing for Hope Pianos program hosted by @jeffglor. Here we are in 2013 playing a shiny one at #LincolnCenter. Head down to 28 Liberty Plaza today to see 50 these unique works of musical art in one location (plus enjoy some great performances), then look for them around town the next few weeks. More info at link in bio.
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@singforhope #singforhope #singforhopepianos #piano #publicart #publicartnyc #music #musicinnyc #sfhpianos #singforhopepianos