tobyregbo reign frary adelaidekane francisvalois marystuart cwreign meganfollows maryqueenofscots reigncw catherinedemedici rachelskarsten aethelred torrancecoombs fraryedit francis reignedit fantasticbeasts annapopplewell gameofthrones medici queenelizabeth albusdumbledore celinasinden fantasticbeasts2 francisvaloisii fraryforever harrypotter queenmary workwithlove
... (Last part)
...One if the final things I would hear her say. Grief is a fuel. That fuel was used to power my fevers causing them to become unbearable. The final dance. The last few looks. The final nights. The last moments we’d share. She repeated her words, the same crack present in her voice. As much as I wish I could, reality proved it impossible.
(’ )
— ac: me, don’t use
Thank the Lord Almighty this is over bc I hated it. This wraps up this theme! I really enjoyed exploring my style and finding out what I can do. I’ve been giving a new style a go and I really like it! Also, the 2k post will come soon sksks I want to be able to thank everyone properly instead of a caption you’ll never read sksk
#reign #cwreign #thecw #adelaidekane #maryqueenofscots #meganfollows #catherinedemedici #tobyregbo #FrancisDeValois #KingOfFrance #torrancecoombs #sebastiandepoitiers #ladykenna #greerofkinross #ladygreer #ladylola #annapopplewell #willkemp #elizabethtudor #rachelskarsten #frary #omgpage #fatedgrp
Hottest king ✨
#reign #reigncw #cw #cwreign #frary #reignfrary #fraryreign #maryfrancis #marystuart #francisvalois #fraryforeverandalways #fraryforever #fraryships #frary #fraryreign #frarylove #francisvalois #marystuart #tobyfrancis #maryadelaide #adelaidekane #adelaidemary #tobyregbo #maryqueenofscots #marnley #kennash #mash #leith #cleith #kennadepoitiers #casteleroyreign #greercastleroy #greerreign
Frary 2x09-2x19 sad moments #france #fraryforever #francisvalois #france #frary #mashreign #maryqueenofscots #marystuart #marystuartedit #queenofscots #queen #kingfrancisvalois #king #royallove #castle #scotland #sadlovestory #sadloveedits #reign #cwreign #longmayshereign #godsavethequeen #longlivetheking #longlivethequeen #tobelaide #tobyregbo #adelaidekane #addy #addykane #multigazecultrct
{4x03 x 4x16 x 1x22}
fc: vicbertsfilters & medici.filters
#reign #reigncw #cwreign #reignedit #reignedits #marystuart #marystuartedits #maryqueenofscots #maryqueenofscotts #maryqueenofscotland #adelaidekane #adelaidekaneedit #adelaidekanefans #tobyregbo #tobyregboedit #francisvalois #francisvaloisedit #frary #frarylove #fraryedit #fraryforever #fraryedits #fraryfeels #fraryreign #fraryfeeling #reignscene #catherinedemedici #meganfollows