traumacare trauma patientsfirst bcot ems2019 naemt paramedic phtls cotacs emergencymedicine itls ittakesasystemtosavealife stopthebleed ambulance bcon bigpayback cirurgiadotrauma firstresponder fittofight ftffamily ftfrepublic healingtrauma linkinbio notfallsanit soccorso tourniquet traumainformed staysafe
Honoured to spend the day with the impressive clinicians and crew of @ldnairamb! There is so much that we can learn from one another if willing to seek the opportunity. Today we discussed kit, checklists, human factors, communications, scene management and so much more. Was really beautiful to watch them work. Londoners are quite lucky to be under their care. #inspired #teamwork #prehospital #hems #emergencymedicine #traumacare #eliteperformance
And before you say the “RATS works better for really small children and dogs”, I will tell you that children small enough to not fit the CAT will almost never need a TQ because they have lower BPs and the bleeding can be controlled easily with pressure. Along those same lines, dog’s arteries are so close to the surface that, once again, their bleeding can be controlled with a pressure dressing easily. Don’t be fooled by the aggressive social media marketing of the RATs and STAT TQs, they are not evidence based medicine.
#Repost @j.warn22
When anecdote invades trauma care and medicine. This is how I feel some days.
#stopthebleed #stopthederp #hemorrhagecontrol #hemostasisordie #traumacare #trauma #traumakit #medkit #tampoozled #tourniquet #woundpacking #softtw #cattourniquet #tacmed #tccc #tecc #ems #medic
Amanhã ainda tem mais uma palestra junto aos colegas que participam do COPA 2019, como sempre congresso de altíssimo nível, oportunidade pra encontrar exímios profissionais da especialidade. Segue sendo a grande referência científica anual da anestesiologia no solo brasileiro.
Aproveito pra agradecer a confiança da @saesp.anestesia pelo convite. Sempre um prazer contribuir um pouco para a formação mútua nossa de cada dia.
Amanhã, palestra sobre manejo de cefaleia pós-punção dural.
E em Julho, aproveito para convidar aos amigos anestesiologistas a participarem do IV simpósio internacional do trauma, realizado no centro de convenções Rebouças. Ótima chance para aprimorar conceitos e refinar a prática.
#anesthesia #anesthesiology #work #life #live #intensivecare #preworkout #lecture #class #traumacare #traumateam #bloodmanagement #pbm #transfusion #transfusionmedicine #copa2019 #copasaesp2019
In der vergangenen Woche ging es wieder Schlag auf Schlag! Wir starteten an unserem Trainingszentrum, dem @weisses.kreuz_croce.bianca in Bozen zur Fortbildung der Südtiroler Instruktoren. Ein spannender Tag mit Skill- und Didaktiktraining! Es folgte ein Prüfungstag an der Bildungseinrichtung Ravensburg der @drklandesschule! 20 Auszubildende legten Ihre Prüfungen im Rahmen eines integrierten ITLS-Advanced-Kurses ab! Ebenfalls konnten 66 Auszubildende im „Mutterhaus“ der DRK Landesschule Baden-Württemberg in Pfalzgrafenweiler Ihr Prüfung zum ITLS-Advanced-Provider im Rahmen der Notfallsanitäterausbildung ablegen! Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
#itls #itlsadvanced #itlsgermany #traumacare #trauma18 #retterherz #retterherzen #rettungssanitäter #notfallsanitäter #drk #rettungsdienst #soccorso #improvingtraumacareworldwide
Our medical director getting dirty with some chest tube training. Mimiking real anatomy is key to developing motor skills for procedures. Cadaver and live tissue are great, but the trauma man volunteered his time today. So we will buy him the first round today!
#chesttube #train #getsome #trauma #pneumothorax #fingerthoracostomy #traumacare #traumaluce #tccc #tacmedic #medical #emergencey #swat #sot #police #paramedic