ucontrol cach controlline rcworld dfwtvinstallation dfwtvmounting addisontx bishopartsdistrict carrolltontx dallas dallastvmounting deepellum dfwtvwallmounting downtowndallas farmersbranchtx friscotx grapevinetx irvingtx lascolinas lewisvilletx littleelmtx mckinneytx oaklawn planotx prospertx richardsontx thecolonytx камераонлайн
Prova do caixote na pista de aeromodelismo do Monumento dos Pracinhas no Parque do Flamengo no RJ.
Consiste em montar um aeromodelo a partir de caixotes de feira de madeira comum de pinho e fazê-lo voar.
Quatro equipes participaram deste evento muito divertido este ano.
#parquedoflamengo #aeromodelismo #ucontrol #monumentodospracinhas #riodejaneiro
#Repost @behringerbrasil with @make_repost
Procurando pela melhor entrada/saída de áudio para pc?
O U-CONTROL UCA222 da Behringer possui uma interface USB 1.1 que é alimentada por cabo USB e possui duas entradas phono analógicas RCA para conectar qualquer dispositivo de nível de linha, como um mixer ou deck de cassetes e duas saídas phono RCA analógicas para conectar alto-falantes ativos ou monitores de estúdio.
New addition to the toy / RC collection. Cool 1950’s Free Flight model Airplane powered by a pulse jet engine . Very Fast and scary airplane . Nicely built by airplane engineer / mechanic . #modelairplane #freeflight #ucontrol #jetengine #rc #rcairplane #rcjet #modelbuilder #hobby #hobbist #craftsmanship #vintagetoys #toys #toyhunting #tethercar #rccar
My brother and sister, lastly my father. This is a controlline machine that I bought for Christmas gifts
It is the one of American tester company and we loaded a 0.8 cc engine (no muffler!) On polypropylene fuselage. It was the rooftop of the supermarket in the shopping area that I skipped
It was an extensive era that I thought to my child's mind that the sound should be blocked at the arcade, but now it is impossible. My father, inspired by my sons, started radio-controlled, and my house at that time was full of airplanes #大阪 #大阪市 #東成区 #大今里 #模型飛行機 #uコン #メッサーシュミット #エンジン機 #家族 #家族写真 #ファミリー #兄弟 #きょうだい #父 #controlline #airplanemodel #aviation #aviationmodel #messerschmitt #family #brother #sister #homesweethome #father #ucontrol #love #lovely #happy #happiness
For sale. This week I have for sale group of vintage late 1940s - 1950s model airplane work Pulse Jet Engines. Check my eBay listings for more details. #vintageairplane #modelairplane #rcengine #jetengine #miniatureengine #ucontrol #linecontrol #pulsejet #jetmodel #vintagetoy #rccar #vintagerc #rcairplane #forsale