ukcrystalshop crystals gemstones minerals crystalshop crystalsforsale crystalsofig crystalsofinstagram crystalsuk meditation crystalhealing healingcrystals wicca crystalenergy crystallovers rocks crystaladdict ukcrystals witchesofinstagram positiveenergy rocksandgems crystalcollection crystalvibes healingcryatals ilovecrystals positivevibes sellingcrystals smallbusiness energy angelauraquartz
Blue Calcite Sphere of Calm The calming, soothing vibes of blue calcite are perfect for frayed nerves and soothing stress helping us to lessens anxieties. A lovely crystal to use when rebuilding emotionally and physically. Blue calcite has been seen to enhance physical healing by clearing away negative emotions and encouraging rest, relaxation and calm. Blue calcite works with the Third Eye Chakra and can enhance or activate the intuition and inner sight
#bluecalcite #bluecalcitegoddess #bluecrystal #calmcrystal #stressrelief #lovecrystsls #ukcrystalshop #bluecalcitespell #calmspell #spirituality #witchesofinstagram
A sneak preview of a selection of today's beautiful new arrivals. Apatite spheres, Amethyst points, huge Clear Quartz spheres, Fluorite points, Obsidian spheres & Apatite pebbles. There's more still to unpack. I have got nearly 50 kilos of new pieces to photograph and list. I'm not kidding.
And there's more on the way .
Some of these treasures will be in this weekend's live sale and somehow I will find time to get them all listed on Etsy and the website.
#crystalsforsale #crystalseller #apatite #crystalhealing #healingcrystals #crystalhealer #amethyst #obsidian #quartz #clearquartz #quartzcrystals #ukcrystals #crystals #crystalsuk #ukcrystalshop #crystalenergy #crystalcollection #crystalshop #crystalstore #crystalsofinstagram #crystallovers #crystaladdicts
Sneak preview of this evening's Crystal Points Insta Live Sale Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Lemon Quartz. Selenite, Amethyst, Green Fluorite, Purple Fluorite, Labradorite, Obsidian, Indigo Gabbro....and I forgot to put the little Rainbow Moonstone pieces in the photo. Oops.
I'll be kicking off at 6pm. Hope you can all make it. C ♡
#crystalseller #crystalsofig #crystalsforadoption #crystalhealing #healingcrystals #crystalsale #crystalsforsale #livecrystalsale #crystallivesale #amethyst #quartz #rosequartz #fluorite #obsidian #selenite #crystals #crystalsuk #ukcrystalshop #crystalcollection #crystalgifts #crystalpoints #crystallovers #crystaladdicts #lovecrystals
it’s Monday. if you need a post-weekend pick-me-up, there are fresh new crystals on the site for those who missed the update last week (keep checking back as I’m magicking new sparkles there most weeks now)✨ and we have only 4 earlybird tickets left for the healing circle at @glitchbristol this Saturday - better get on that!✨
#bristol #pinkhair #crystals #crystalshop #crystalhealing #healingcrystals #reiki #reikicrystals #crystalhealer #crystalsforsale #crystalsale #crystalsalon #crystalshopping #crystallover #crystalstore #ukcrystalshop #crystalcollection #shaman #witchythings #shamana #shamanichealing #crystalgrids #wiccansofig #whitewitch #witchesofig #whitewitchcollective #whitewitchco #crystalenergy #crystaladdict #crystalmagic
Here's an interesting comparison for you. Lemon Quartz vs Citrine.
What's the difference.... Lemon Quartz (on the left) and Citrine (on the right) are both members of the Quartz family of minerals, alongside Amethyst, Prasiolite, Smoky, Rose & Clear Quartz. Citrine has more natural golden orange tones while Lemon Quartz has a yellow green hue. Essentially the same chemical formula (SiO2) the only difference is the saturation and colour. Natural Citrine is actually much harder to come by and fetches a considerably higher price tag than Lemon Quartz (not to be confused with the dark golden brown Citrine on the market which is actually heat treated Amethyst).
Yellow gemstones are associated with happiness, positivity, self-confidence and success.
#lemonquartz #citrine #amethyst #clearquartz #quartzcrystals #crystalpoint #quartz #yellow #crystals #crystalhealing #crystal #crystalsforsale #healingcrystals #crystalsuk #crystalseller #crystalstore #ukcrystalshop #crystalcollection #crystalsofig #crystaldecor
I have stacks of lovely Spirit Quartz to share with you today. If you haven't got a piece of Spirit Quartz in your crystal collection I highly recommend adding one of these magical pieces to your crystal family.
Also known as Cactus or Fairy Quartz, this crystal has a powerful vibration bringing balance, harmony and alignment with spiritual truth. Working with Spirit Quartz can enhance psychic ability, heighten awareness and encourage spiritual growth. If you're new to working with Spirit Quartz I suggest start slowly as it's effects can be quite intense.
I'll be posting these pieces from 10 a.m.
Usual rules apply. The first to comment SOLD (as shown on MY feed) will receive the piece. Please only claim if you can pay straight away. Payment requests will be sent via PayPal.
#spiritquartz #crystals #crystalsuk #ukcrystalshop #crystalenergy #crystalhealer #crystalsofinstagram #crystalcollection #crystalsofig #crystalsforadoption #crystalhealing #healingcrystals #crystalsale #crystalsforsale #livecrystalsale #crystalshop #crystalstore #cactusquartz #fairyquartz #quartzcrystals #flashsale #livesale
Lovely dt amethyst available in the shop a long with many other beautiful pieces and with 14% off until midnight valentines day with code TREATYOURSELF14 and what's more is if you spend £20 or more you will recieve a free crystal heart with your order!!!
#crystalspecimens #dtamethystpoint #amethystcrystal #crystalshopsale #crystalshop #ukcrystalsale #ukcrystalshop #rocksandminerals #gemsandminerals #gemstones #energycrystals #energy #crystalenergy #loveofcrystals #namaste #witch #happy #supportsmallbuisness #crystalvibes #metaphysical #meditation #homedecor #chakra #yoga #meditation #ukcrystals #crystalsuk #loveandlight #loveofcrystals #love
I can't get enough of these enchanting Labradorite pebbles with their smooth polish and magical hidden flashes.
Revered as a stone of magic and transformation, Labradorite is also a powerfully protective stone which provides a shield against negativity. Labradorite can amplify ritual working and can be used for scrying, enhancing psychic ability and visionary work. Placing Labradorite under your pillow will facilitate lucid dreaming and promote dream recall. Labradorite encourages us to focus on personal improvement and spiritual growth, allowing us to uncover subconscious patterns of belief and unresolved emotional trauma.
These new beauties are in the final stages of polishing and will be arriving in a couple of weeks.
#labradorite #crystal #pebble #crystalsforsale #crystalseller #crystalsofig #crystalsforadoption #crystalhealing #healingcrystals #crystalhealer #crystalsofinstagram #crystalcollection #minerals #ukcrystals #crystalsuk #ukcrystalshop #crystalenergy #crystals #crystalpebbles #magic #witches #witchesofinstagram #witch