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photo by: @lukasz_szubartowicz | @szubartowicz_mobile
Ghosts of lovers walking along the streets of WrocLOVE. Plus quite an interesting door & portal in the background. Museum of Architecture in Wroclaw (Poland), March 2019
The Museum (Muzeum Architektury we Wrocławiu) is located in the old Benedictine monastery, built in the second half of the 15th and the beginning of the 16th century. The founder of the Museum was the main conservator of Wrocław and the later professor of Wrocław University of Technology - Olgierd Czerner, who was its director from the very beginning to the year 2000.
Initially, the purpose of the Museum was to collect and catalogue the remaining architectonic elements of the buildings destroyed during the war. The most valuable ones were gathered in a permanent, constantly growing exposition. Later, the Museum extended its activities to the whole country, serving primarily Polish architects.
Museum of Architecture organises various temporary exhibitions which present the history and works of contemporary architects around the world. The Museum hosts meetings, international conferences, classical music concerts, festivals and theatre spectacles. In the collection there are also works of iconography, old architecture and archive photographs, which document architectonic monuments, contemporary buildings and modern art.
Svaki grad, svako putovanje, svaka ulica, uzimali su od mene po neko ograničenje. ⛓
Tako su ostajale za mnom predrasude, uverenja, očekivanja , svi kalupi u koje sam sebe prepakivao, kako bih se uklopio u masu istih.
U početku sam se opirao tim promenama;
Zašto bih probao neko novo jelo, kada su ćevapi standardno dobri?
Zašto bih, bez mape, lutao uzanim uličicama, kad su sva dešavanja u glavnoj ulici? ♂️
Skupo je platiti ulaz u muzej 8 evra.
Nije skupo popiti pivo za 8 evra.
I još mnoga uverenja...
Sada znam da čoveka najviše košta neznanje, ograničenost, nezainteresovanost.
Skup tih osobina napravi od vas nadrkanu kasirku, nezadovoljnog muža, histeričnu ženu. Osobu koja trpi loš sistem, devijantne prijateljske i emotivne veze jer ne zna za bolje, i misli da bolje i ne zaslužuje. Nesigurno biće, koje u društvu ćuti, kako se ne bi obrukalo.
A razlika izmedju zadovoljnih i nezadovoljnih, uspešnih i neuspešnih- ogleda se samo u hrabrosti i spremnosti na autentičan život, van nametnutih okvira. ♂️
#corfu #motivacija #krf #inspiracija #zivot #mudrost #sreca #zivotnicitati #mudremisli #autenticnost #starigrad #corfugreece #corfuisland #corfuoldtown #greece @streets_in_greece #streetsingreece #ulice #greeceislands #lovegreece #greece_travel
photo by: @lukasz_szubartowicz | @szubartowicz_mobile
An afternoon walk through the concrete jungle, with a wind in hair & a bicycle at the side. Wroclaw (Poland), June 2019
The facade in the background belongs to an office building at Strzegomska Street, which currently houses the Center for Services Branch of Santander Bank Poland. .
My držíme Velikonoce tradičně na začátku února. Malujem kraslice, pečeme beránka, po natáčení ho pak s chutí likvidujeme a tak... A dneska večer to všechno uvidíš.
A jak slavíte Velikonoce u vás?
#divejse #dnes #ulice #serial #velikonoce #happyeaster #street #shooting @off_matyas_valenta @jirkastrebl #jlubakrbova #adrianjastraban @peknaluka @yvettablanarovicova