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If Husayn Carnegie had gotten any more hang time on this layout he would be legally required to register a flight plan with local air traffic authorities⠀
Full highlights of the @tepcolombia open final between @seattlesockeye and @prideofny coming soon! ⠀
#ultimate #ultimatefrisbee #frisbee #sport #sports #sportshighlights #gethorizontal #layout #tep2019
Forgot to post
Cool 6.0 tip
#boggiedown#boogiedown#fortnite#markerflip#crayola#legend#clean#ultimatefrisbee#brodietrickshots#trickshot#basketball#nba#trickshots#bbb#hoops#lit#bigballerbrand#fortnite#fortnitebattleroyale#nba#lebron#flippingfeed#gaintrick#gainpost #bombasticchallenge #jamesgang
Spring is in the air, and we are missing @tepcolombia already! We were so pleased to see everyone wearing our cleats!
@empireultimate .
#UniversePoint #gethorizontal #theultimatelife #frisbee #ultimateFrisbee #skyd #layout #disc #sports #teamsports #allweathergear #jumping #175grams #SOTG #shoes #cleatsforultimate #frisbeeswag #cleats #discsports #teammates #actionsports #Ultimate #universe #genderequity #AUDL #Tep2019 #PonyUltimate #tep #tepcolombia